この情報は Visa および Mastercard の規則のどのページに記載されていますか?
Can I ask you on which page of the Visa and Mastercard regulations do I find this information?
Posso chiederti a che pagina dei regolamenti Visa e Mastercard trovo queste informazioni?
この情報は Visa および Mastercard の規則のどのページに記載されていますか?
Can I ask you on which page of the Visa and Mastercard regulations do I find this information?
Posso chiederti a che pagina dei regolamenti Visa e Mastercard trovo queste informazioni?
Page 40 is very relevent.
Re fines that visa will impose if informed.
これは興味深い記事です。私が理解したのは、カラカコやコスタリカなどの海外に登録されているすべてのゲーム サイトです。そのサイトには、プレイヤーの入金を受け付ける販売者アカウントが必要です。それとも、私が間違って読んでいるのでしょうか? https://fastoffshore.com/offshore-bank-account-2/gaming-merchant-account/
This is an interesting read, So what I get from it is all Gaming sites that are registered off shore Caracaco Costa Rica ect. Should have a merchants account for that site to except players deposits . Or am I reading this wrong? https://fastoffshore.com/offshore-bank-account-2/gaming-merchant-account/
Thats correct, but as these are shady casinos who dont want to reveal who they are and not pay tax and not follow the UK and EU regulations they operate in the way they do. The one thing that they cant wiggle out of is the huge fines that can be imposed to them by Visa and Mastercard.
Thank you very much, it's very interesting!
Grazie mille, è molto interessante!
詐欺など、最初に間違ったオプションを選択したために拒否された Revolut の一部取引を続行する方法はありますか?
Is there a way to proceed with some transactions on Revolut that have been declined due to initially choosing the wrong option such as fraud?
They refuse to contest a part for repayment, even though it is exactly the same company with which they proceeded with the other transactions.
They just say the same thing that their decision is final and that it is not the result I expected.
I have explained to them several times that I have not received any goods and according to Visa I have the right to dispute, but they refuse.
Finns det något sätt att gå vidare med några transaktioner på Revolut som blivit nekade för att man först valde fel alternativ såsom bedrägeri?
Dom vägrar bestrida en del för återbetalning, fast att det är exakt samma bolag som dom gått vidare med övriga transaktioner.
Dom säger bara samma sak att deras beslut är final och att det inte är resultatet jag hade förväntat mig.
Har flera gånger förklarat för dom att jag inte fått någon vara och enligt Visa har jag rätt att bestrida, men dom nekar.
当初は混乱があったことを銀行に説明する必要があります。正式な苦情を申し立て、エスカレーション プロセスを依頼してください。英国には金融オンブズマンがありますが、ヨーロッパの他の国にどのような機関があるかはわかりません。通常、銀行に正式な苦情を申し立てると、こうした小さな問題は解決します。
You need to explain to them that there was some confusion initially. Make a formal complaint and ask them for the escalation process. In the UK we have the financial ombudsman, not sure what they have in the rest of europe. Normally a formal complaint to the bank resolves these minor issues.
Today I spoke to a friend of mine at great length who works for the federal government in Canada. If these casinos do not refund or settle there are allot of options available. Going to wait and see.
これをさらに進めて、上訴する必要があるかもしれません 🙂
Have tried to explain to them several times, filled out a complaint form and after a few days I received an email from a person at Revolut, they went ahead with some transactions.
But the rest of the transactions they ignored and then he wrote in an email that the support in the app should contact me regarding these few transactions that are left, then they immediately give me the same answer very quickly "our decision is final, we cannot dispute these no matter how much we would like to help you" and similar nonsense.
I also showed a copy of my police report with all transactions and the authorities I contacted regarding these companies.
Might have to take this further and appeal then 🙂
Har försökt förklara för dom flertalet gånger, fyllde i ett klagoformulär och efter några dagar fick jag mail från en person på Revolut, dom gick vidare med en del transaktioner.
Men resten av transaktionerna ignorerade dom och då skrev han i mail att supporten i appen skulle kontakta mig angående dessa fåtal transaktioner som är kvar, då ger dom mig direkt samma svar jättesnabbt "vårt beslut är final, vi kan inte bestrida dessa hur mycket vi än skulle vilja hjälpa dig" och liknande trams.
Jag jag även visat upp en kopia på min polisanmälan med alla transaktioner samt myndigheterna som jag kontaktat angående dessa bolag.
Får väl ta detta vidare och överklaga då 🙂
明日は、Goldenbet や Santeda International などが返金や和解に応じない場合、他の多くのチャージバックを申請する興味深い日になりそうです。私は、他のさまざまな大手企業と連携した 30 を超える販売業者と支払い処理業者のリストを持っています。
Payop と何度もやり取りし、カジノからランダムな販売店へのリンクと Payop の取引 ID を示した後、Payop からの払い戻しを期待しています。NDA に署名する必要があると言われましたが、結果については明日更新します。
Yeh I mean I havent had any personal dealings with Revolut perhaps someone else can jump in and shed some light.
Tomorrow is going to be a interesting day of filing a bunch of other chargebacks with the likes of Goldenbet / Santeda International if they dont want to refund / settle this. I have a list of in excess of 30 merchants and payment processors linked to various other big names.
I am expecting a refund from Payop after going back and forward with them and showing the link from the casino to the random merchants and transaction ID for payop, they said id need to sign a NDA but will update tomorrow as to the outcome.
Santeda の連絡先はありますか? Mystake との取引は多数ありますが、同じグループに属しています。
Do you have a contact for Santeda? I have many transactions with Mystake and it is part of the same group.
Hai un contatto per Santeda? Ho molte transazioni con Mystake e fa parte dello stesso gruppo.
I understand!
It will be exciting to follow this
Jag förstår!
Ska bli spännande att följa detta
カナダ当局に連絡して参照番号を取得し、payop とのつながりと、彼らがオフショア口座などを通じてこれらの第三者カジノに資金提供することで AML 規制に違反している方法をできるだけ詳しく説明して、それを転送してください。payop から抵抗があった場合は、再度メールを送信し、オンラインで見つけられるすべての連邦および地方当局、見つけられるすべての地方および全国ニュース/ジャーナリストのメールを CC にする必要があります。彼らは最終的に和解を望むでしょう。
カナダ連邦法執行機関は、payop を監視している。
Make contact with the Canadian authorities and get a reference number, explain in as much detail the link to payop and how they are breaching AML regulations funding these third party casinos through offshore accounts etc and forward the same to them, any resistance from payop you will need to email them again and CC every single federal and local authority you can find online including every local and national news / journalist email you can find. They will eventually want to settle.
payop is on the radar of canadian federal law enforcement.
Did you have a gambiling block on your card and also did the casino do a account verification or affordability check. Where you blocked from all the casinos before you joined. If so then I don't know how it applies over there but here if you are registered on gamestop and a casino allows you to join then they are legally responsible as they did not help a problem. Gambler. If you can prove this then go back to casino with proof and contact the place who you blocked you from playing all Swedish sites
Revolut 自体が深く関与しています。したがって、Revolut からの支援は期待できません。Revolut は自社の法人顧客から資金を奪う可能性があります。法人顧客の資金は一般顧客の資金よりも保護されているため、透明な手続きは不可能です。警察やローマ法王に苦情を申し立てても、何も返金されず、すべて時間の無駄です。
Revolut itself is deeply involved.Accordingly, you can't expect any help from Revolut, as they could possibly take the money away from their own corporate customers. A transparent procedure is then not possible because the money of corporate customers is guarded rather than that of normal customers.Even with a complaint to the police and a complaint to the Pope, they don't book anything back, all wasted time.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com