I’m trying to submit a complaint on this site but it will not let me go any further than writing it out
I’m trying to submit a complaint on this site but it will not let me go any further than writing it out
具体的に教えてください。苦情の提出プロセス中に、行き詰まるステップが他にもありますか?スクリーンショットを送ったり、ビデオを作ったりできますか? (matej@casino.guru)
Hello there!
Could you please be more specific? There are more steps during a complaint submission process, where you get stuck? Can you send me some screenshots or make a video? (matej@casino.guru)
Could you try to submit a complaint in a different browser?
I will pass all your information to our dev department ASAP.
Hopefully the matter will be clarified and the funds will be returned. It is indeed miserable and one must be really careful that the country from which the casino even has licenses. It is definitely worth paying attention to the fact that one should choose a good and honest casino online , because otherwise the funds can go on its smooth path. Many casinos claim to be licensed in Europe, but after a little research, it may be that this is not the case. You should also try to find those registry numbers and check them against the databases of different licensors to see if you can find the same numbers there. I hear it’s really hard to get money back even through a credit card company if enough time has passed.
Toivottavasti asia selkiintyy ja varat palautuvat takaisin. On tosiaankin kurjaa ja saa olla todella tarkkana, että mistä maasta kasinolla edes lisenssit on. Ehdottomasti kannattaa kiinnittää huomiota siihen, että tulee valittua hyvä ja rehti kasino netissä, koska muuten varat voivat mennä sen siliän tien. Monet kasinot esittävät olevansa lisensoituja Euroopassa, mutta pienen tutkimuksen jälkeen saattaakin todeta, ettei asia niin ole. Kannattaa myös yrittää löytää niitä rekisterinumeroita ja tarkistaa niitä eri lisensoijien tietokantoja vastaan, että löytyykö sieltä samat numerot. Kuulemani on todella hankalaa saada rahoja takaisin edes luottokorttiyhtiön kautta, jos aikaa on kulunut riittävästi.
Yes nothing. It’s now been 6 weeks today and I’ve still not got my winnings
Hopefully the matter will be clarified and the funds will be returned. It is indeed miserable and one must be really careful that the country from which the casino even has licenses. It is definitely worth paying attention to the fact that one should choose a good and honest casino online , because otherwise the funds can go on its smooth path. Many casinos claim to be licensed in Europe, but after a little research, it may be that this is not the case. You should also try to find those registry numbers and check them against the databases of different licensors to see if you can find the same numbers there. I hear it’s really hard to get money back even through a credit card company if enough time has passed.
Toivottavasti asia selkiintyy ja varat palautuvat takaisin. On tosiaankin kurjaa ja saa olla todella tarkkana, että mistä maasta kasinolla edes lisenssit on. Ehdottomasti kannattaa kiinnittää huomiota siihen, että tulee valittua hyvä ja rehti kasino netissä, koska muuten varat voivat mennä sen siliän tien. Monet kasinot esittävät olevansa lisensoituja Euroopassa, mutta pienen tutkimuksen jälkeen saattaakin todeta, ettei asia niin ole. Kannattaa myös yrittää löytää niitä rekisterinumeroita ja tarkistaa niitä eri lisensoijien tietokantoja vastaan, että löytyykö sieltä samat numerot. Kuulemani on todella hankalaa saada rahoja takaisin edes luottokorttiyhtiön kautta, jos aikaa on kulunut riittävästi.
Also I have opened a claim against CasinoMArriott, they paid me after exactly one month, thanks inside casino guru. Stay away from that mess
Anche io ho aperto un reclamo contro CasinoMArriott, mi hanno pagato dopo un mese esatto, grazie all'interno di casino guru. State alla larga da quel casino
How did you get your money please who do you put the complaint too
it was a win less than yours: 344 euros
I opened a complaint on casino guru, and magically they replied to my hundred emails that I sent them ...
they apologized for the delay (they invented the covid excuse) and then they asked me for the bitcoin address, and the next day (yesterday) they paid me
era una vincita inferiore alla tua: 344 euro
Ho aperto un reclamo su casino guru, e magicamente mi hanno risposto alle mie cento email che gli ho inviato...
si sono scusati per il ritardo (hanno inventato la scusante del covid) e poi mi hanno richiesto l'indirizzo bitcoin, e il giorno seguente (ieri) mi hanno pagato
They owe me €2400 and thanks for the advice I will the the guru to contact then many thanks
I found Ammit91 case here so you can take a look:
Hi Daniel I’ve sent a email to info@casino.guru because the complaint system will not pass 2 on your site
はい、大きな問題です。私は€1000ユーロの正当な勝利を収めています。賭け金の要件を試してみました(それは地雷原でしたが)私は60,000ユーロ以上を賭けたと計算しました! 1月29日に撤退しました。まだ待っている。我慢しなきゃいけないって言ってライブチャット!なんて頬だ!財務やプロモーション、その他の部門から返信が来ることはありません。彼らはあなたを無視するだけです。私たちはあきらめてはいけません、そして私はこのフォーラムを見つけてとてもうれしく思います。私は英国のアクション詐欺部門に手紙を書いたこともあります(幸いなことに、リストのトップに押し上げるのを手伝ってくれた彼らのために働いている友人がいます)私は基本的に100%サイディングで返事を受け取りました。助けがあればグループと共有できますか?私は彼らが無視したカジノに対して公式の苦情を申し立てました。傲慢。この素晴らしいフォーラムで、私たちは彼らに対して統一戦線を形成できると思いますか?
Dear Lee.
Yes, massive problems. I have a justified win of €1000 euros. Played through the wagering requirements (although that was a minefield) i calculated to have wagered over €60,000! Made the withdrawal 29th January. Still waiting. Live chat telling me that i must be patient! What a cheek! You never get a reply from finance or promotions or any department, they just ignore you. We must not give up and i'm so delighted to have found this forum. I've even wrote to the UK action Fraud department (luckily i have a friend who works for them who helped push it to the top of the list) i received a reply back basically siding 100% with me. Can share with the group if helps? I served an official complaint against the casino of which they just ignored. The arrogance. I think with this excellent forum we could form a united front against them?
I'm open to suggestions what to do next.
Many thanks.
Mr D Brooks
Isle of Wight.
はい、大きな問題です。私は€1000ユーロの正当な勝利を収めています。賭け金の要件を試してみました(それは地雷原でしたが)私は60,000ユーロ以上を賭けたと計算しました! 1月29日に撤退しました。まだ待っている。我慢しなきゃいけないって言ってライブチャット!なんて頬だ!財務やプロモーション、その他の部門から返信が来ることはありません。彼らはあなたを無視するだけです。私たちはあきらめてはいけません、そして私はこのフォーラムを見つけてとてもうれしく思います。私は英国のアクション詐欺部門に手紙を書いたこともあります(幸いなことに、リストのトップに押し上げるのを手伝ってくれた彼らのために働いている友人がいます)私は基本的に100%サイディングで返事を受け取りました。助けがあればグループと共有できますか?私は彼らが無視したカジノに対して公式の苦情を申し立てました。傲慢。この素晴らしいフォーラムで、私たちは彼らに対して統一戦線を形成できると思いますか?
Dear Daniel,
Yes, massive problems. I have a justified win of €1000 euros. Played through the wagering requirements (although that was a minefield) i calculated to have wagered over €60,000! Made the withdrawal 29th January. Still waiting. Live chat telling me that i must be patient! What a cheek! You never get a reply from finance or promotions or any department, they just ignore you. We must not give up and i'm so delighted to have found this forum. I've even wrote to the UK action Fraud department (luckily i have a friend who works for them who helped push it to the top of the list) i received a reply back basically siding 100% with me. Can share with the group if helps? I served an official complaint against the casino of which they just ignored. The arrogance. I think with this excellent forum we could form a united front against them?
I'm open to suggestions what to do next.
Many thanks.
Mr D Brooks
Isle of Wight.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com