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今年の1月25日に、私は100ユーロの入金を行い、ボーナスが追加されました。入金の日から1月29日金曜日までの間に、必要な要件である€13,500の賭けに成功しました(どのようにして賭けをしたのかわかりませんでしたが)実際にプレイを合計すると、実際には€を超えていました。 50k。これらの日付の間にあなたのサポートスタッフの2人と話している間、彼らはプレーするのに必要な賭け金の要件を私に知らせていました。要件を満たしたらすぐに、引き出しのために自動的に送金できるようになるとのことでした。これは1月29日金曜日に行われました。私の最初の預金は€100ユーロだったので、実際に引き出すことができる限度額は€1000(10 x預金)でした。私の残高は実際には€5,500ユーロ以上に増えましたが、これは事実上デッドマネーでした。
先ほど言ったように、1月29日に引き出しを行いましたが、これはシステムにロックされていました。すべての賭けは完了し、これは100%合法的な撤退でした。 1月25日に100ユーロが入金され、1000ユーロが当たったのは簡単です。サポートスタッフからスクリーンショットを取得して、これらすべてを確認しています。銀行からの支払いも添付しました。それは3月25日月曜日にマリオットに預けられ、3日後に私の声明で届きました。
PO38 1BU
Dear all....
Casino Marriott Update..............
I had this arrive in my spam folder yesterday. This is the first email that i have had back from finance, (apart from one back in November telling me i could not withdraw my winnings as the minimun withdrawal was €200 euros)
On Mon, 5 Apr 2021 at 08:45, wrote:
Hi David
From 1.4.2021 Casino Marriott has changed owners
And working today under a new owner.
you have a 1000 euro withdrawal request
And according to the terms and conditions, you are entitled to 150 euro
Your last deposit was 9/2/2021 of 15 euro
And under the terms, you are only entitled to 150 euros
Sent me your bank datils and I will transfer you the money
A very badly written email of which i certainly was not going to swallow. Here's my reply.. (minus my bank details)
Dear Casino Marriott.
On the 25th January of this year i made a deposit of €100 and a bonus was added. Between the day of making the deposit and up until Friday 29th January i had successfully wagered the necessary requirements of €13,500 (Although i had no idea of how you came about your wagering) If you actually add up the play through it was actually over €50k. Whilst speaking to two of your support staff between these dates they were informing me of the necessary wagering requirements to be played. I was informed that as soon as you have played through the requirements you will automatically be able to transfer over for a withdrawal. This took place on Friday 29th January. Because my initial deposit was €100 euro the limit that i could actually withdraw was €1000 (10 x the deposit) My balance actually increased to over €5,500 euros, but this was effectively dead money.
I made my withdrawal on the 29th January as i said earlier and this was locked into your system. All wagering had been completed and this was a 100% legitimate withdrawal. It's simple the €1000 euros was won with the €100 euro deposited on 25th January. I have screen grabs from your support staff confirming all of this. I have also attached the payment that left my bank. It was deposited to Marriott on Monday 25th March, and came through on my statement 3 days later.
In fact i was urged by your support staff to carry on depositing a couple of weeks later of which would speed up the processing and payment of my €1000 withdrawal?? Bizarre. Hence two further payments of €15 euros. These payments have NOTHING to do with my previous withdrawal.
You can also clearly see that one of your support staff has clearly told me that it has been accepted and paid! Incredible! I have many other screen grabs and emails from a former employee at the casino Mr Andrew Miller.
I've attached my bank details for which i expect you to make the right and honourable payment of €1000 euros.
I'm sure this is an oversight from the casino, and being new owners i'm sure you would want to keep the existing customers onboard and put things right after the incompetence of the last management, who actually breached everyone of your terms and conditions and also were acting with utter and Gross Negligence!
I look forward to the €1000 euro payment and this will ensure all legal action is cancelled.
Yours sincerely.
Mr D Brooks
22 Alpine Road
PO38 1BU
i’m awaiting there reply..