I waited less than 10 days for each withdrawal
Io aspettato meno di 10 giorni per ogni prelievo
I waited less than 10 days for each withdrawal
Io aspettato meno di 10 giorni per ogni prelievo
Yes, I did, they paid less than 10 days ago, always with a prepaid card
Io si,pagamento l’hanno fatto meno di 10 giorno,sempre con carta prepagata
デビットカードで出金しましたが、20日かかりますか?RT Bet では出金日から3営業日、つまり4日かかると言われましたが、銀行振込にはどのくらい時間がかかりますか?
I have made the withdrawal by debit card, which takes 20 days? RT Bet told me that it takes 3 business days after the withdrawal date, that is, 4 days, and how long does it take for bank transfer?
Yo he hecho la retirada por tarjeta de debito que tarda 20 dias? a mi me han dicho en rt bet que tarda 3 dias hábiles después del dia de retiro o sea 4 dias y por transferencia bancaria cuanto tarda?
なぜ 20 日なのでしょうか? 土曜、日曜、祝日を除いて 3 ~ 5 日かかると言われています。忍耐強く、常に銀行振込に関する情報をメールで問い合わせる必要があります。私は信用していませんでしたが、彼らは私に支払いをしてくれました!
Why 20 days? They say 3 to 5 days, not counting Saturday, Sunday and holidays, you have to be patient and always write to their email asking for information about your bank transfer, I didn't trust them but they paid me!
Perché 20 giorni? Loro dicono di 3 a 5 giorni non si conta sabato domenica e giorni festivi devi avere pazienza e scrivere sempre alla loro e-mail chiedendo informazioni del tuo bonifico,io non mi fidavo ma mi hanno pagato!
How long did it take for them to pay you?
cuanto tardaron en pagarte ati?
皆さん、なぜ 24 時間以内にアカウントにお金が支払われないカジノでプレイするのですか?
......................................なぜ........... ................
この地球上、この世界には、プレイヤーが引き出し注文をしてから数時間以内に支払いを行う、信頼性が高く評価の高いカジノが何千とあります。私がプレイしているカジノは、支払いを要求した瞬間から 10 分から 15 分以内に支払いを行います。そうでなければ、私のゲームは意味をなさないでしょう。私はただお金を失うだけです。
I'm going to ask a logical question again!
......................................WHY........... ................
On this planet...in this world...there are thousands and thousands of trusted, highly rated casinos that pay out their players within hours of the player placing the withdrawal order. The casino I play at pays me out in 10 to 15 minutes from the moment I request a payout. If that weren't the case, my game would have no meaning. I would just be losing money.
Imagine going out to a restaurant and ordering food and paying for it immediately, and the waiter brings you the food a day later (tomorrow) and you sit and wait until then.
Nothing is clear to me. I wonder if I'm STUPID or CRAZY or both!?!
Ja ću opet da postavim jedno logično pitanje!
Na ovoj planeti..na ovom svetu... postoje hiljade i hiljade kazina proverenih, visoko kotiranih koji svojim igračima novac isplaćuju u roku od nekoliko sati od kada igrač da nalog za isplatu. Kazino u kom ja igram, novac mi isplaćuje za 10 do 15 minuta od trenutka kada zatražim isplatu. Da to nije tako moja igra ne bih imala nikakav smisao. Ja bih samo gubio novac.
Zamislite da izađete u restoran i poručite hranu i platite je odmah a konobar vam hranu donese dan kasnije (sutra) a vi do tada sedite i čekate.
Ništa mi nije jasno. Pitam se da li sam ja GLUP ili LUD ili oboje!?!
Mine has not been on purpose, it has been because of a moron who told me that he would enter to use a method, it was my fault for listening to him. I made a bet and withdrew it and took some profits and now this is happening to me, I don't know when they are going to pay me, the only betting house that has taken time to pay me, it has been a maximum of 4 business days, I hope this one is the same, I have only been there for 3 and the 4th would be on Monday, let's see if it reaches me.
Lo mío no ha sido queriendo ha sido por un subnormal que me dijo que ingresará para utilizar un método la culpa fue mia por hacerle caso. Hice una apuesta y lo retiré y cogi algo de ganancias y ahora pues me pasa eso que no se cuando me van a pagar la única casa de apuestas que ha tardado tiempo en pagarme han sido máximo 4 días habiles espero que esta sea igual solo llevo 3 y el 4 sería el lunes haber si me llega
I have already received payment, gentlemen, it took 3 business days
ya he cobrado señores ha tardado 3 dias hábiles
おめでとうございます。あなたは彼らの機嫌を良くしました。これは、同じオーナーが所有するカジノから 30 回ほどお金を受け取ったことがある人からの意見です。他の時には、彼らは気が進まず、何度も話さなければなりません (いつも仕事が多すぎるためです)。あるいは、今度は (あなたのアカウントの動きとともに) 確認を求められます。
Congratulations, you've caught them in a good mood. This is coming from someone who has received money from these casinos owned by the same owner about 30 times. Other times they don't feel like it and you have to talk to them several times (it's always because they have a high volume of work) or now they ask you for verification (with movements in your accounts).
Enhorabuena, les has cogido de buen humor. Te lo dice alguien que ha cobrado unas 30 veces de estos casinos del mismo dueño. Otras veces no les da la gana y tienes que hablar con ellos varias veces (siempre es que tienen alto volumen de trabajo) o ahora que ya te piden verificación ( con movimientos de tus cuentas)
私は自分の国でカジノをプレイしています。レビューに載っています。セキュリティ指数が非常に高いです。mozzartbet と呼ばれています。
オンラインの世界での私のゲームは、毎日の支払いに基づいています。支払いが 1 日以上遅れると、私のゲームは重要ではなくなります。私は毎日収入を得ています。
ここで、たった今、私は 8,000 rsd (€70) を稼ぎました。支払い命令が出されました。4 分でお金を受け取りました。
あなたはイタリア出身ですね。イタリアでもMozzart Betをプレイできると思います。Mozzart Betはいくつかの国で運営されています。
I play casino in my country. It's here in the reviews. Very high security index. It's called mozzartbet.
It has been in the betting world for over 20 years. There are land-based facilities as well as an online platform.
From betting, slot games to roulette, blackjack, all possible games.
Payment from 5 to 10 minutes max.
There are more casinos in my country that pay instantly.
My game in the online world is based on daily payouts. If my payment was delayed by more than 1 day, my game would not be important. I earn on a daily basis.
Here, right now, I earned 8,000 rsd. (€70) that I am a payment order. I got my money in 4 minutes.
You are from Italy. I think you can play mozzart bet in Italy. Mozzart bet operates in several countries.
Hello..Italy...espresso..cappuccino...jeans..ponte rosso market. mmmmmm🥰🙃😋
Igram kazino u mojoj zemlji. Ima ga ovde u recenzijama. Veoma visok index sigurnosti. Zove se mozzartbet.
U svetu kladjenja postoji više od 20 godina. Postoje zemaljski objekti kao i on line platforma.
Od kladionice, slot igara do ruleta, blek dzeka, sve moguće igre.
Isplata od 5 do 10 minuta max.
Postoji još kazina u mojoj zemlji koji isplaćuju novac istog trenutka.
Moja igra u on line svetu se zasniva na dnevnim isplatama. Kada bi meni isplata kasnila više od 1 dan moja igra ne bih imala značaj. Ja zarađuje na dnevnom nivou.
Evo upravo sada sam zaradio 8.000 rsd. ( 70 €) da sam nalog za isplatu. Novac mi je legao za 4 minuta.
Ti si iz Italije. Mislim da mozzart bet možeš igrati u Italiji. Mozzart bet posluje u više zemalja.
Pozdrav..Italija...espreso.. kapućino...farmerice..ponte roso pijaca. mmmmmm🥰🙃😋
Hi, I see that the other player has already written you back to your questions, it's taking a bit longer. Also, if you go through the other posts written by players, you will see that this is probably the casino that doesn't send money the fastest.
Anyway, how long have you been waiting? Didn't you need to send any documents to the casino?
Then my questions are useless. I didn't notice earlier that you had already been paid so I apologize. After all, it didn't take long according to what you say and I'm glad you have the money with you.
Sometimes patience pays off.🙂
私の経験をお話しします。私は Rtbet カジノで 2 か月間プレイしていますが、最初の出金には 10 日かかり、その後は 1 週間もかかりませんでした。また、稼いだ金額よりも使った金額の方が多かったです。最初はすべて順調で、ゲームの賞金が支払われていましたが、その後、賞金のほとんどが支払われていないことに気づき始めました。ゲーム プロバイダーの名前、時間残高、賞金が支払われていないゲームの ID を記載した多くのゲームを報告しましたが、誰も問題を解決していません。サポート メールに書き込んでも、サポートは必要なときに回答します。昨日、私は馬鹿みたいに 400 ユーロを使いましたが、ゲームの賞金の一部は支払われましたが、ほとんどは私がすべてのお金を失うまで支払われませんでした。すでに通知しており、支払い処理中の 250 ユーロの出金を待っています。その後、報告しに行きます。彼らは問題を解決しないので、必要なことはすべて手持ちで行っています。繰り返しますが、最初の 1 か月は良かったのですが、その後、賞金が盗まれ始めました。もうご存知でしょうから、気をつけてください。報告してから 2 週間が経ちましたが、今日彼らがしたことは、500 回の無料スピンがもらえると書いてあるゲームにサインアップしたので、25 回の無料スピンをくれたことだけでした (遅かれ早かれ、あなたも詐欺に遭うでしょう。プレイを続けるのは無駄で、賞金は実際のお金がなくなるまで支払われないことに気付くまで (彼らは詐欺師です))。誰にもお勧めしません。Malina Casino では何も稼げません。My Empire Casino は他の泥棒です。私は諦めました。わずかなお金をポケットに入れておく方がましです
I'll tell you my experience and I've been playing at the Rtbet casino for two months, the first withdrawal took 10 days, then the others took less than a week. And more money than I spent than what I earned, at the beginning it's all nice, they pay you the winnings from the game, then I started to notice that most of the winnings weren't paid. I reported many games with the name of the game provider, time balance and ID of the winning games that weren't paying me, no one has solved the problem, not even by writing to the support emails, they answer when they want. Yesterday I spent €400 like an idiot, some of the winnings from the game were paid, most weren't paid until I lost all my money. I've already notified them, I'm waiting for a withdrawal of €250 that is in the process of being paid, and then I'll go and report them, I have everything in hand to do it, since they don't solve the problem. I repeat, it was nice for the first month, then they started stealing my winnings. You already know, so be careful. It's been 2 weeks since I made the reports and the only thing they did today was give me 25 free spins because I signed up for a game where it said they gave you 500 free spins (sooner or later the scams will come for you too until you realize that it's useless to continue playing and that the winnings are not paid until all your real money runs out (they are scammers) I don't recommend it to anyone. Malina Casino doesn't make you earn anything, My Empire Casino other thieves, I resigned myself, better to keep my little money in my pocket
Te dico la mia sperienza e da due mesi che sto giocando al casinò Rtbet il primo prelievo se ha messo 10 giorni poi gli altri meno di una settimana.e più i soldi che ho speso che quello che ho guadagnato al inizio è tutto bello ti pagano le vincite del gioco poi ho iniziato a notare che la maggior parte delle vincite non venivano pagate.ho fattto la segnalazione di tanti gioco con nome di gioco fornitore saldo orario e ID delle giocate vincenti che non mi pagavano,nessuno ha risolto il problema nemmeno scrivendo alle email di supporto,quelli rispondono quando vuoleno. Ieri ho speso 400€ come una cretina le vincite del gioco qualcuna veniva pagata la maggior parte non mi sono state pagate fino che ho perso tutti mie soldi. Ho già avvisato a lloro aspetto un prelievo di 250€ che è in fase di pagamento e poi vado e li denuncio ho tutto in mano per farlo,visto che loro non risolvono il problema. Ti ripeto stato bello per il primo mese poi hanno iniziato a rubarmi le vincite. Già lo sai così stai attento.e da 2 settimane che ho fatto le segnalazioni e loro la unica cosa che hanno fatto oggi è darmi 25 giri gratis perché mi sono inscritta a un gioco dove diceva che ti davano 500 giri gratis( prima o poi arriveranno le truffe anche per te fin che te accorgerai che è inutil continuare a giocare e che le vincite non vengono pagate fin che ti finisce tutto il tuo soldi reale( sono di truffatori) non lo consiglio a nessuno. Casinò Malina non ti fa guadagnare niente,casinò my empire altri ladri mi sono rassegnata meglio tenermi in tasca i miei pochi soldi
For me the first withdrawal 10 days, the other 5 days
A me il primo prelievo 10 giorni gli altri 5 giorni
それで、状況について最新情報を教えていただけますか? 🙂
Hey, are you also looking for someone specific or not? When did you make your withdrawal?
I think if it's just now, there's no need to panic yet. I see that other players have also described to you their situation in the casino and if there are any problems, be sure to get in touch and we will try to do something about it.
So could you update me on the situation?🙂
The withdrawals are arriving but for two weeks not all the winnings of the game are paid, they pay but not all and I made the report of the name of the game provider, ID date time and amount but no one has solved the problem I have sent many emails and no response, I see that the problems are still there (the winnings are not all paid) I am waiting for my withdrawals that are pending to close the account. Since 2 weeks have passed and they have not solved the problem and they have not even responded to my support email
I prelievi stanno arrivando ma da due settimane non tutte le vincite del gioco vengono pagate,pagano ma no tutt’e ho fatto la segnalazione di nome gioco fornitore,ID data orario e importo ma nessuno a risolto il problema ho mandato tante e-mail e nessuna risposta,vedo che i problemi ci sono ancora( le vincite non vengono tutte pagate) aspetto i miei prelievi che sono in sospeso per chiudere il conto. Visto che sono passate 2 settimane e non mi hanno risolto il problema e nemmeno mi hanno risposto alla e-mail di supporto
I have already closed it in all these casinos. Which provider did not pay?
Yo ya la cerré en todos estos casinos. Cuál es el proveedor que no pagaba?
Rtbet pays you just have to be patient and always stay behind them, I often do a lot but I have had some gains but sometimes it is more what you spend than what you earn. I have only tried with them and I am waiting for the 2 suspended withdrawals to arrive so I will close with them
Rtbet paga deve avere solo la pazienza e stare sempre dietro a loro,io spesso tanto ma ho avuto qualche guadagno ma a volte è più quello che si spendi che quello che si guadagna. Io ci ho provato solo con loro e aspetto che arrivino i 2 prelievi sospesi così chiudo con loro
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