Viperspin でプレイすることを検討している場合は、やめてください。
これは間違いなく、最悪のオンライン カジノの 1 つです。怪しいライセンスで運営されており、オーストラリア人のブレイデンという人物が宣伝しています。彼は自分の残高は本物で、勝ち金も本物だと主張しますが、実際には彼がプレイするお金はすべてカジノのお金です。彼は、自分の利益のために人々を登録させて負けさせようとしている宣伝者です。
どこか他の場所でプレイしてください。Viperspin は合法ではありません。詐欺サイトです。
If you are considering playing on Viperspin, DONT.
This is easily one of the worst online casinos out there. Operating off a dodgy licence, promoted by an Aussie dude by the name of Brayden. He will claim his balance is real and that his winnings are real, when in fact every cent he plays with is CASINO MONEY. He is a promoter trying to get people to sign up and lose for his benfit.
Play somewhere else guys, Viperspin is not legit. It is a scam website.
The fact their reps are in here forcefully having posts removed should tell you everything you need to know. MOney hungry scammers. watch your back lads. keep deleting posts Roman.
これらの人々の名前をよく見ると、全員が Auslots (Brayden) の友人であることがわかります。この怪しいカジノの主導的なプロモーターは誰でしょうか。
彼は友人や仲間にメッセージを送り、最近、無料スピンで賄賂を渡して、代わりにここに肯定的なレビューだけを残すようにしました。これらの投稿の名前を確認してください。それらはすべて Auslots のために働いています。それらは正当なレビューではありません。それらは有料レビューです。
Just a heads up to anyone reading the positive reviews on this forum.
If you look closely at the names of these people you will see that they are ALL friends of Auslots (Brayden). Who is the lead promoter of this dodgy casino.
He messaged his friends and associates and he recently bribed them with free spins to in return leave only positive reviews here. Check the names of these posts. All of them are working for Auslots. They are not legitimate reviews. They are paid reviews.
これに関して証拠を提示していただけますか? ぜひ見せていただきたいです。
下記までお送りください、 お願いします。
Could you provide some proof regarding this, please? We would like to see it for sure.
Send it to us at, please.
ちょっと混乱しています。ElSnappo は 1 か月前に私たちをレビューすることに決めたのですが、カジノで彼のユーザー名さえ見つけることができません。
ElSnappo、あるいはあなたの名前が何であれ、Casino Guru には苦情を解決するためのエリアがあり、私たちは喜んでお手伝いします 🙂
Hi @Romi.
Just a bit confused, ElSnappo decided to review us a month ago, we can't even find his username on the casino.
Now he's just gone on a little rampage, there's literally nothing we can do without context on the issue.
ElSnappo, or whatever your name maybe there's a resolution area on Casino Guru for any complaints, and we'd be more then happy to assist you 🙂
I must confess that I am also a little perplexed, and we can scarcely offer any insider information on this discussion. Therefore, I believe it is best to leave handling this kind of "concern" in your hands. In any event, please respond to each player by using the reply button beforehand; this should make the conversation a little bit easier to follow.
Regarding the user review you referenced, please check the identificator that the player provided; only casino representatives have access to this login user name or email. If you are still unable to identify the player, please contact us via the official email. Please include a screenshot demonstrating that such a player is not present in your system as well:
We notify the player and give him a chance to correct the information if the identificator provided upon submitting the user review is incorrect; if he doesn't, the related user review will be rejected.
このサイトにある偽の肯定的なレビューとそのユーザー名のスクリーンショットを撮ります。また、Twitch と Discord の AUslots コミュニティのメンバーのスクリーンショットも撮ります。彼らは同一人物です。12 人以上です。名前がまったく同じであることは一目瞭然です。
これらは正直なレビューではなく、Viperspin の主要プロモーターが友人に依頼して書いた有料レビューです。
どのような状況でも、これは間違っています。Viperspin カジノで少額のチップを受け取るために、ギャンブラーに賄賂を渡して偽のレビューを書かせるのです。
I will take screenshots of all the fake positive reviews and their usnernames on this site. And also screenshots of members from AUslots community on Twitch and in Discord. They are the same people. Over a dozen of them. Very easy to see that the names are exactly the same.
These are not honest reviews, they are paid reviews that the leading promoter of Viperspin has asked his friends to write.
In any situation this is wrong. To bribe gamblers into making fake reviews in order to recieve a small tip on Viperspin casino.
Viperspin は意図的に人々のフルネームを公の Web サイトで公開しています。皆さん、十分注意してください。
Viperspin INTENTIONALLY releasing peoples full names on a public website. Be very careful guys.
このサイトにある偽の肯定的なレビューとそのユーザー名のスクリーンショットを撮ります。また、Twitch と Discord の AUslots コミュニティのメンバーのスクリーンショットも撮ります。彼らは同一人物です。12 人以上です。名前がまったく同じであることは一目瞭然です。
これらは正直なレビューではなく、Viperspin の主要プロモーターが友人に依頼して書いた有料レビューです。
どのような状況でも、これは間違っています。Viperspin カジノで少額のチップを受け取るために、ギャンブラーに賄賂を渡して偽のレビューを書かせるのです。
I will take screenshots of all the fake positive reviews and their usnernames on this site. And also screenshots of members from AUslots community on Twitch and in Discord. They are the same people. Over a dozen of them. Very easy to see that the names are exactly the same.
These are not honest reviews, they are paid reviews that the leading promoter of Viperspin has asked his friends to write.
In any situation this is wrong. To bribe gamblers into making fake reviews in order to recieve a small tip on Viperspin casino.
Dear user, not sure whether you remember or not but you are pretty close to being banned for violating forum rules. In such a situation, I advise you to include a rational justification in your post. Please refrain from posting such "general non-saying expressions" in the future. We've already discussed that.
Dear user, not sure whether you remember or not but you are pretty close to being banned for violating forum rules. In such a situation, I advise you to include a rational justification in your post. Please refrain from posting such "general non-saying expressions" in the future. We've already discussed that.
Haha, it's okay Radka. He's upset because a streamer had a large giveaway going in to which he didn't meet the requirements of the deposits per month (which he acknowledged) then went on a pure rampage against us and the streamer.
Happy to provide information directly from the giveaway so you can have a look if needed but this is just a salty little man.
私もそのようなものを見つけたと思います。思い出させてくれてありがとう。私としては、もう十分見たと思います 🙂。前にも言ったように、残りは男性のキーボードにあります...
I think I spotted something like that. Thank's for the reminder. In my opinion, I have seen enough 🙂. As I said, the rest is in the man's keyboard...
I'm sorry to see you are not able to comply with basic rules:
Kindly find yourself a more suitable forum; I'm banning your account.