おはよう。実際、私たちはサイトからレビューや苦情を削除しません。もちろん、それがプレイヤーからのものである場合に限ります。あなたのレビューも削除しませんでした。実際に承認されるためには、すべてのレビューがチェックされ、すべてのルールに従う必要があると言えるでしょう。 3 件のレビューがありましたが、そのうち 2 件は適切なレビューではなく、単に自分の負けについて書いた投稿だったという理由だけで拒否されました。私たちはそれらをレビューとはみなしません。そのため、それらを拒否する必要があり、そうする理由全体を説明した電子メールをあなたに受け取りました。そうですか、私たちからのメールは届きましたか?そして、3 番目のレビューは、レビューを書こうとしたカジノでのプレイ体験についてさらに詳しい情報が必要だったという理由だけで拒否されました。
あなたの苦情は私たちのサイトで誰でも見ることができ、 ここで見つけることができるので、それも削除されていないことは間違いありません。
Good morning. We do not delete any reviews nor complaints from our site, actually. Only whenever it is from a players will, of course. As we did not delete any of your reviews either. There is a strict procedure, as I could say, where all the reviews are checked and need to follow all the rules, so they can be approved, actually. You've had 3 reviews, which 2 of those were rejected just because they were not any proper reviews, just a posts where you were writing about your loses. We do not take those as a reviews, and therefore we had to reject those, and you received an email where we explained the whole reason of doing so. Is that right, have you got the emails from us? And the 3rd review was rejected just because we needed some more details about your experience from playing at the casino you have tried to write a review about.
Your complaint is visible on our site to everyone, you can find it right here, so that was surely not deleted either.
I am glad, and good on you, that you have that much experience. We could even "use" that sometimes, what do you say? We often ask players to help us with some things we are not that experienced in, so it'll be really great, if you could give us your insides, of course.
Just let me please put it here straight forward, we certainly do not get paid for any reviews. As I wrote above, we actually have a really strict procedure, when it comes to reviews, where all of those need to follow certain rules to get approved.
I hope, my answer to you, will help you to somehow understand how our team works, when it comes to reviews and complaints shown on our site.