Hello , i always play bonus games those are my favourites , i had no luck in different kind of games and live casino
Hello , i always play bonus games those are my favourites , i had no luck in different kind of games and live casino
Yes, that's why I asked you if you like to play with bonuses, because players are more likely to fail than the other way around. But every once in a while a situation like the one you have now can happen.
So I hope you will manage to hit a nice win again and share it with us. ☘️😎
Hm, that doesn't look like a winning screenshot. What did you want to say with this post ? 🤔
今日、初回ボーナス無料ボーナスでこれを獲得しました。ありがとう、グル。たまたま銀行口座の残高が 20.00 ドルしか残っていませんでした。どうやって手に入れるか考えなければなりません。私は暗号通貨の初心者です。とても困っています
I won this with first time bonus free bonus today. Thanks Guru. I just so happened to be down to my last 20.00 in my bank account. Now to figure out how to get it. I’m a noob at crypto. I’m so lost
今日、初回ボーナス無料ボーナスでこれを獲得しました。ありがとう、グル。たまたま銀行口座の残高が 20.00 ドルしか残っていませんでした。どうやって手に入れるか考えなければなりません。私は暗号通貨の初心者です。とても困っています
I won this with first time bonus free bonus today. Thanks Guru. I just so happened to be down to my last 20.00 in my bank account. Now to figure out how to get it. I’m a noob at crypto. I’m so lost
Hey, nice win. I would like to start by saying that if you don't have the money, you should never gamble, because it can get you into some very unfortunate situations.
Anyway, to the point, if you have a problem with your withdrawal, the first thing I would do is to text the live chat at the casino and they might be able to help you when you make your withdrawal. If you can't handle that, it might be a good idea to try another alternative rather than crypto. If that doesn't work either, let us know and we'll see what we can do.
Can we make a deal like this ?
Hi, you don't have any of these unique screenshots to share with us ? 😀
I took this screenshot and then my balance disappeared on the next spin, not sure what happened?
話題から外れるかもしれませんが、カナダから casino.guru の Web サイトにアクセスできなくなってからかなりの日数が経ちました。何か特別な理由があるのでしょうか?
this might be off topic but its been quite a few days since i cannot access to casino.guru website from Canada . is there a particular reason?
I took this screenshot and then my balance disappeared on the next spin, not sure what happened?
こんにちは、それはとても幸運ですね。でも、残高が消えたらすぐにサポートに行きましたか? 正直に言うと、同じスクリーンショットが 2 つ表示されているような気がします。カジノから何と言われたか、必ず教えてください。
Hi, that would be great luck. But did you go to the support as soon as your balance disappeared? If I have to admit I feel like I'm seeing two identical screenshots. Be sure to let me know what the casino told you.
カジノ: ハイフライヤー
ゲーム: ゴールドディギン/マネースピナー
賭け金: 3 CAD
Casino: High Flyer
Game: Gold Diggin/ Money Spinner
Bet: 3 CAD
私の側の DNS の問題だと思っていましたが、インターネット プロバイダーではなく Google DNS サーバーを直接使用しており、結果は同じでした。
This is what i get when i try access to your website from Canada.(my location)
I thought was the DNS issue from my end but im using google DNS servers directly not my internet provider and its the same result.
Perfect, these things can be filled in even if you post a screenshot via this button. A form will pop up and you can fill in the casino, bet, upload a screenshot and so on.
So, have a great time in the next sessions. 😀
私の側の DNS の問題だと思っていましたが、インターネット プロバイダーではなく Google DNS サーバーを直接使用しており、結果は同じでした。
This is what i get when i try access to your website from Canada.(my location)
I thought was the DNS issue from my end but im using google DNS servers directly not my internet provider and its the same result.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com