私のアカウントは調査中であり、最長 6 か月かかると通知されました。
私は Freshbet が要求したすべてのことに従い、要求されたすべての確認文書とビデオを送信し、Freshbet 側で承認されました。
この件についてご支援をお願いします。私が書いている金額は 3305.20 USD です。
I would like to request of your help to assist me in speeding up the investigation process.
I have been informed that my account is under investigation which will prolongue up to 6 months.
I have complied with everything that Freshbet has asked me for, have sent them all the verification documents and videos that they have requested, and they were approved on their side.
I suspect that they have started to investigate my account after I won big in a slot. And by reading most of the complaints, I can see that in most of the cases people's accounts were under investigation only due to suspicious betting, whilst I only won in Slots.
Please assist me in this case. The summ of money that I am writing about is 3305.20 USD.
They are completely ignoring my requests to give me an insight on what is happening with my account and have stopped replying to my emails.