まず、私がこのウェブサイトでギャンブルを始めたのは、まだ 17 歳のときで、オランダの違法な場所からでした。しかし、この場所の制限は、私がドイツにいたこともあり、VPN を使用することで簡単に回避できました。ウェブサイトでは、いかなる種類の確認も求められなかったため、私は少額からギャンブルを始めましたが、だんだん悪化し、ついには完全に依存症になり、私の社会生活と勉強生活を完全に破壊してしまいました。
最も馬鹿げた部分は、2024年2月20日に私の人生を破壊している入金についてgamdom VIPチームに送ったこのメールです。私は2024年2月24日に賭け金の上限を早急に引き上げるよう依頼しましたが、もちろん彼は「より高い賭け金の上限を要求しました」と返信してきました。4日前に入金で人生が破壊されたと伝え、4日後にはすぐに賭け金の上限を上げるのを手伝ってくれたのに、どうしてこんなことができるのでしょうか?
また、この頃、カジノの VIP チームからメールが来て、私の居住地を尋ねられたので、私はオランダ/ドイツと返信しました。ここで彼らはすぐに質問を始めるべきでした。なぜなら、gamdom はプレイヤーがギャンブルをすることを許可していないからです。しかし、彼らはメールに返信しませんでした。おそらく、私から大金を儲けているので無視したのでしょう。その後、私は賭け続け、負けるたびに非常にイライラしました。3 月 30 日、私は絶望し、またすべてを失ったのでフリースピンを要求しました。もちろん、彼らはその時は私にフリースピンはないと言いましたが、私は怒りながら返信しました =
「もちろん、合計 40,000 ドルを入金した後はフリースピンを受け取る資格はありませんが、まあ、gamdom では予想通りでした。もう二度と頼みません。gamdom VIP から外してください。体験は本当に最悪でがっかりです。gamdom とは関わりたくないです。すでに CSGOempire に移行しており、この Web サイトのひどい無料ボーナスのために戻ってくるつもりはありません。」
私は、gamdom VIP の即時削除を要求しましたが、もちろん彼らは意味のない返答をしました。私は、お金に非常に困っていたので、他のカジノに行くと脅せばフリースピンをもらえるだろうと思って、他のカジノに行くと脅しただけですが、彼らはそれに騙されず、私が何度も要求したにもかかわらず、VIP グループから私を削除しませんでした。
First off I started gambling on this website when I was only at the age of 17 years old from an illegal location based in the netherlands. However this location restriction was easy to bypass as I sometimes was in germany and also by using a VPN. The website hadn’t asked for any verification of any kind so I started off gambling low and it grew worse and worse until it became a full blown addiction completely destroying my social and study life.
I even began to steal money to have funds to deposit and at 18 got credit cards to fund my gambling activity. I used to buy giftcards and or deposit trough paydo, which shouldn’t have been allowed to happen in the first place as my paydo account was verified using a dutch ID card.
I also tried verifying my account with a DUTCH ID card on their website which they simply never responded to so they knew already I was based in the netherlands and shouldve locked my account as soon as I tried that.
Anyways later I started depositing using crypto to the point I spent every single penny I could get my hands on. It even got so out of hand that I deposited so much that I even got invited to their VIP program because I deposited so much. They started handing me out deposit bonusses and I would spend more and more of my college fund and allowance to get these deposit bonusses. Eventually I even asked for free bonusses because i got desperate and asked if i could get a free bonus because my salary would only come next week. At the end when I lost again I asked for one last time free spins because I literally said to them in an email i wont be depositing anymore because gamdom has destroyed my life. There wasn’t any attempt to block my account and I only was asked to gamble with money that i can afford to lose and asked if I wanted to take a break.
Its horrifyingly stupid to ask a teen who lost everything and is begging for free spins because he lost every single dollar and admits that depositing has destroyed his life, if he wants to take a break. Of course a teen with a crippling gambling addiction won’t want to take a break. I responded with no its fine can i just get free spins as a thank you for all the deposits, because i was scared if i took a break they wouldnt give me my free spins.
they completely thereafter disregarded the part where I mentioned depositing there had destroyed my life and just replied with we don’t have any bonusses at this time.
The absolute stupidest part is when this email I sent about the deposits that are destroying my life to the gamdom VIP team at 20-02-2024 february, I asked on february 24-02-2024 for an immediate increase of my betting limits asap and of course he replied with we have requested a higher betting limit for you. How can they do such thing when I tell them 4 days ago depositing has destroyed my life and 4 days after they immediatly help me increasing my bet limit?
Also around this time the vip team from the casino sent an email out to me asking me where I was based in and I replied with Netherlands/Germany. Here they immediatly shouldve start asking questions because gamdom doesnt accept players to gamble on gamdom however they never responded to the email most likely ignoring it because theyre making good money of me. After this I kept on betting and betting on it getting extremely frustrated every time I lost. On march 30th I got so desperate and asked for free spins because I lost everything again. They ofcourse said they didnt have any for me at the time to which I replied angry =
"Yes of course, im not eligible for any free spins after depositing 40k in total but hey! It was expected from gamdom! I am not going to ask again, remove me from the gamdom VIP because the experience is really shit and dissapointing and I don't want to have anything to do with gamdom. I already made my move to CSGOempire and im not thinking ill be coming back to this website for its bad free bonusses"
I asked for an immediaty removal of the gamdom VIP and they didn’t of course replying with non sense. I only threatened with going to another casino because I got so desperate for money that I thought threatening with leaving to another casino would make them give me free spins but they didn’t fall for it, and thus didn’t remove me from the VIP group, even tho I asked multiple times for it.
in the end I kept depositing and destroying my life, and school by dropping out and social aspects because of stealing from my own family to continue gambling, and gamdom never asked about the deposits on how I even got so much money or took any actions even when I mentioned my life is getting destroyed, while also knowing full well I was based in the netherlands as I told them through email which they also didnt act upon even tho dutch players arent allowed on gamdom according to their own terms and conditions.
I want to dispute the negative balance of withdrawals - deposits and if not possible come to atleast a amount to which we can both agree