I had 16$ in balance, I filed a withdrawal request, the support told me that I had to confirm my account that the transaction would be done, however my account was verified and the money disappeared, I got in touch and the support simply told me that I was not promised anything, more like my money disappears and does not come back ??? below is the print of the support conversations telling me that as soon as they verified my money would be returned, and the other support saying no.
Eu tinha 16$ de saldo, entrei com o pedido de saque, o suporte me disse que eu tinha que confirmar minha conta que a transaçao seria feita, porem minha conta foi verificada e o dinheiro sumiu, entrei em contato e o suporte simplesmente me disse que nao foi me prometido nada, mais como meu dinheiro some e nao volta ??? segue abaixo o print das conversas do suporte me dizendo que assim que verificassem meu dinheiro voltaria, e o outro suporte falando que nao.