(15:07:45)サミー:ジョニ、条件に従って、同時に最大3つのアクティブな引き出ししか持てないことに注意してください。 3つのうちの1つが処理されると、追加の1つを作成することができます。さらに、すべての引き出しには3日間の保留期間があります。お支払い方法や銀行によっては、週末を除き、完了して処理されるまでにさらに数日かかる場合があります。送信されると、財務チームから確認メールが届きます。
I have received one withdrawal of € 490 I have now had three 490e withdrawals at the same time for 2 weeks because the casino can withdraw 500e a day and can have three withdrawals open. my game account is 1500e and 2 withdrawals now total 980e.
my account is verified and everything is fine it is said in the chat and that there is a delay and apologies but the problem itself is not talked about and round answers are given.
(15:07:45) Sammy: Joni, please note as per the terms, you can only have up to 3 active withdrawals at the same time. Once, one of the 3 has been processed, then you'll be able to proceed with making an additional one. Furthermore, all withdrawals undergo a 3-day pending period. Once complete and processed it may take an additional few days depending on the payment method and bank, excluding weekends. You will receive a confirmation email from the finance team once sent out to you.
so it is not an account or confirmation etc. for some reason the money does not move out, I make withdrawals and they are interrupted due to time delay or some other reason and the money is returned to the game account to be played, it is said that sorry for the disturbance try to withdraw again and wait the same week again.
olen saaanut yhden noston 490€ minulla on nyt ollu 2vk aikana kolme 490e nostoa yhtä aikaan koska kasinolta saa päivässä nostaa 500e ja voi olla kolme nostoa auki. pelitililläni on 1500e ja nostoja 2kpl nyt yhteensä 980e.
tilini on vahvistettu ja kaikki on kunnossa sanotaan chatissa ja että on viivettä ja pahoitellaan mutta itse ongelmasta ei puhuta ja annetaan ympäripyöreitä vastauksia.
(15:07:45) Sammy: Joni, please note as per the terms, you can only have up to 3 active withdrawals at the same time. Once, one of the 3 has been processed, then you'll be able to proceed with making an additional one. Furthermore, all withdrawals undergo a 3-day pending period. Once complete and processed it may take an additional few days depending on the payment method and bank, excluding weekends. You will receive a confirmation email from the finance team once sent out to you.
kyseessä siis ei ole tili tai vahvistus jne jostain syystä raha ei liiku ulos päin, teen nostoja ja ne aikaviiveestä tai jostain muusta syystä katkeaa ja rahat palautuvat pelitilille pelattavaksi , sanotaan että anteeksi häiriö koita uudelleen nostaa ja taas sama viikon odotus.