- 現在遅延している引き出しを開始した正確な日付を確認していただけますか?
- カジノは遅延に関して何らかの説明やタイムラインを提供しましたか?
- 今回の引き出しでは、前回の引き出しと同じ支払い方法を使用していますか?
- カジノのサポートチームに連絡しましたか? もしそうなら、彼らの返答を教えていただけますか?
カジノとの関連のあるコミュニケーション(メール、チャットの記録、スクリーンショット)がある場合は、 petronela.k@casino.guru状況を評価するのに役立てるため。
Dear ByezKossu,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about the delays you’re experiencing with your withdrawals. Please allow me to ask a few questions so I can understand the situation better and assist you further.
- Could you confirm the exact date when you initiated the withdrawal that is currently delayed?
- Has the casino provided any explanation or timeline regarding the delay?
- Are you using the same payment method for this withdrawal as you did for the previous successful ones?
- Have you contacted the casino’s support team? If so, could you share their responses?
If you have any relevant communication with the casino (emails, chat transcripts, or screenshots), please forward them to petronela.k@casino.guru to help us assess the situation.
Your cooperation is crucial for us to proceed with the case and mediate effectively with the casino on your behalf.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,