残高の一部返金に関して、カジノ Joker8 に対して正式に苦情を申し立てるためにこの手紙を書いています。
残高が返金されるまで 1 か月待った後、ライブ チャット サポートに連絡して一部返金について問い合わせました。アカウントの確認に失敗したため一部返金されたとのことでしたが、カジノからアカウントの確認を求めるメールは届きませんでした。さらに、アカウントが無効になっていたため、確認に関する必要な情報を入手するためにアクセスできませんでした。
私はカジノにアカウントの残りの 5500 ユーロを返金するよう要求します。必要であればアカウントを確認する用意があります。
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to formally lodge a complaint against the casino Joker8 regarding the partial refund of my remaining balance.
My account, with the username ***** was deactivated by the administration without any prior notification or explanation. Consequently, I requested the withdrawal of my remaining balance. At the time of deactivation, I had three pending withdrawal requests of 500 Euros each, which were subsequently canceled. The total balance in my account was 5800 Euros, but I have only received 300 Euros from the casino.
After waiting for a month for the remaining balance to be refunded, I contacted the live chat support to inquire about the partial refund. I was informed that I had failed to verify my account, which allegedly led to the partial refund. However, I never received any email from the casino requesting account verification. Furthermore, since my account was deactivated, I could not access it to obtain any necessary information regarding verification.
I have contacted the casino via email to request a detailed explanation of the issue and to inquire about the possibility of verifying my account to receive the full amount of my balance. To date, I have not received a satisfactory response.
I request the casino to refund the remaining 5500 Euros in my account. I am ready and willing to verify my account if necessary.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Best regards,
Casino Guru管理者により編集済