そして先週、彼らからメールが届き、私の住所、写真、電話番号、詳細、そして私の存在を明らかにするためのデビットカードの写真を求められました。お金を預けるのに、彼らはいかなる資格情報も求めていないのに、一体何が問題なのでしょうか? 彼らは私のデビットカードを拒否しました。私がお金を預けるのに使ったカードです。
I have tried several times to get my winnings. And they say I have to provide ID like a passport. I don’t have a passport and I told them this until I was blue in the face.
Then last week I get an email from them asking for my home address, photograph, telephone number and details and photo of my debit card to clarify my existence. To deposit money they don’t ask for any credentials, so what is their problem? They refused my debit card. The one I used to deposit some money.
I would encourage people to make them a laughing stock on social media and YouTube. The more people that know about these criminals the better. Let’s get them and their criminal operation closed down for good and jailed for fraud on an industrial scale.