こんにちは、ニックさん!ご質問にお答えすると、出金リクエストをした瞬間から認証プロセスが開始されました。アカウント開設やアカウントへの入金で問題はありませんでしたが、これは危険信号だと感じています。AML および KYC 手順の実施に真剣に取り組んでいる評判の良いカジノであれば、アカウントに入金する前に書類を要求するはずです。しかし、実際には、KYC と AML を、勝ったプレイヤーに賞金を支払わないための正当化として利用しているようです。私が読んでいる他の苦情によると、KYC を実施するのは、出金が相当な金額の場合のみのようです。
最後に彼らと話したのはいつだったかと言うと... チャットツールで1日に数回連絡を取っていたのですが、資金が没収された瞬間からメールへの返信が止まってしまいました。私は次のメールを送りました:
complaints@luckyblock.com help@luckyblock.com affiliates@luckyblock.com
私のメールはすべて返信なし/無視されました。彼らは具体的な理由を詳しく説明することを拒否しています。彼らは私が認証に失敗したということ、決定は社内で下されたもので、決定は最終的なものであり、これ以上議論するつもりはないということだけを伝えます。その後、利用規約に誘導するリンクが送られてきます。私はほぼ 1 時間ごとにチャットで次のメッセージで連絡しています。
「こんにちは!私の出金リクエストを処理するか、アカウントへの入金を取り消してください。 🙂」
すでに述べたように、私は弁護士を雇う準備は万端です。唯一の問題は、これがどの専門分野に該当するのかわからないことと、物理的な郵送先住所のないオンライン企業と取引しているため、特に難しいことです。また、彼らのライセンスは 2024 年 1 月時点で期限切れになっていると思います。
金額の問題ではありません。たった 1,400 ドルでも、かなりの金額です。しかし、私にとっては原則の問題です。他のプレイヤーがこのカジノの犠牲になってほしくないので、できるだけ多くのサイトで苦情やレビューを積極的に書き、他のプレイヤーに危険性を警告しています。評判を落とすためではなく、他のプレイヤーが餌食にならないようにするためです。
Hi Nick! To address your questions the verification process was triggered from the moment I made a withdraw request. I experienced no issues with opening my account nor funding my account which I feel is a red flag. I would assume that a reputable casino that was genuinely concerned with enforcing AML and KYC procedure would request documents before any deposit could be made on the account. Instead, it really seems like they are using KYC and AML as a justification for not paying out winnings to players who win. Based on other complaints I'm reading they seem to enforce KYC only when the withdraw is of a significant amount.
I did not claim any bonuses in the casino, although I believe my account was credited with rakeback as part of there new player sign up, but I am almost 100% certain that it has nothing to do with that.
As for the last time I've spoken to them.... I contact them several times a day via the chat tool, but they stopped responding to my emails the moment my funds were confiscated. I have emailed:
complaints@luckyblock.com help@luckyblock.com affiliates@luckyblock.com
All of my emails have gone unanswered/ignored. They refuse to elaborate on the specific reason. They only tell me that I have failed verification and that the decision was made internally and that the decision is final and they will not discuss it any further. Then they will send a link that directs me to there terms of service. I contact them through chat almost every hour with the following message:
"Hello! Please kindly process my withdraw request or kindly reverse the deposits made on the account 🙂 "
"If you cannot assist me with my inquiry, please escalate this chat to a member of Casino Management"
They are now threatening to block me from the chat. As soon as It connects to an agent they are immediately ending the chat because they all know me by now.
The agents simply respond with a scripted response and offer very little assistance.
But I refuse to give up. I will not just roll over and take the hit. I will pursuit this until they either process my withdraw request or they reverse the deposits that I made on the account. Until they do one of those two things. I WILL not rest because by confiscating winnings I won fair and square and by refusing to reverse the deposits I made on the account they are commiting theft. Especially when they refuse to elaborate as to what the reason is.
As I have stated, I am fully prepared to hire legal counsel. The only issue is I do not know what area of expertise this would fall under and because I am dealing with an online entity with no physical mailing address it's going to be especially tricky. I also believe that their license is expired as of January 2024.
It's not about the amount. It's only $1400 USD that's still a nice chunk of change. For me though, it's the principle. I do not want other players to fall victim to this casino and I am actively writing as many complaints and reviews with as many sites as I can warning other players of the dangers. I am not doing so to tarnish there reputation, but to save others from falling prey to them.