苦情をお送りいただきありがとうございます。不快な思いをさせてしまい大変申し訳ございません。 一般利用規約を確認したところ、次の内容が見つかりました。
3.22.3. お客様は、ブランドによる自己排除の手順が以下の通りであることを承認し、同意し、承諾します。お客様が luckykoala.com から自己排除を希望する場合は、次の電子メール アドレスで当社に連絡する必要があります。 customercare@luckykoala.com
私の理解で正しいでしょうか?カジノアカウントにまだアクセスできるということですか?カジノに送信したアカウント閉鎖リクエストを私に転送していただけますか?私のメールアドレスは kristina.s@casino.guru 。
この時期は苦情の数が増えるため、回答をお待ちいただく間、しばらくお待ちください。苦情は提出後 48 時間以内に公開することを目指していますが、その後のコメントへの返信には最大 7 日かかります。また、現在 900 件を超える苦情を処理しているため、苦情が解決担当者に割り当てられるまでに多少時間がかかる場合がありますのでご了承ください。
Dear Nasse68,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your negative experience. I checked the General T&Cs and I found this:
3.22.3. The customer acknowledges, agrees and accepts that the procedure for Self-Exclusion with the Brand is as follows: If the customer wants to be Self-Excluded from luckykoala.com, he/she needs to contact us on the following email address: customercare@luckykoala.com
Customer’s email needs to include the following information:
(a) a clear request that states that customer wishes to be fully Self-Excluded (not partially restricted) on a voluntary basis;
(b) the duration of the period of the Self-Exclusion, with a minimum of twenty-four hours.
Do I understand correctly that you still have access to your casino account? Could you please forward me the account closure requests you sent to the casino? My email address is kristina.s@casino.guru.
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
Due to the increased volume of complaints during this time of year, we kindly request your patience while awaiting our responses. We aim to publish each complaint within 48 hours of submission but reserve up to 7 days to reply to any subsequent comments. Additionally, please be aware that it might take a bit longer for your complaint to be assigned to a resolver, as we are currently managing over 900 complaints.
Your understanding is greatly appreciated. Wishing you a delightful holiday season, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.