3250 ユーロの出金リクエストをしました。アカウントを確認しました。リクエストは処理中となり、お金がゲートウェイに送金されたことが通知されました。
私は彼らの要件を満たしていると確信しています。そのため、ライブチャットでこの件について話し合いました。状況は上級サポートにエスカレートされたため、彼らは間違いを認識したようです。また、彼らは私が規約に違反した BET ID を提供できませんでした。彼らが提供した唯一の ID は、別のボーナスの期間中のものであることを証明できました。
I made a withdrawal request of 3250 euro. Verified my account. They put the request in status processing, telling my the money was sent to the gateway.
However, without any message, they voided the withdrawal. After contacting live chat, they told I did not met the T&C. The proof they gave, were bets during other bonuses (lost before). When asking about the wagered bonus (in which I met al their T&C's), they could not give the bet ID's.
They said they escalated to senior support and I should contact them tomorrow. But suddenly, decision became final without explanation.
I'm sure I met their requirements. Therefore I discussed this in livechat. It seemed like they recogised the mistake, because the situation was escalated to senior support. Also, they could not provide the BET id in which I breached the terms. The only ID they gave, I could prove it was during a different Bonus.
See attachment for reference.