ギャラクシー ブラストというゲームには、大勝利を収める可能性がある。それが私がプレイし続けている唯一の理由だ。確かにバグはまだいくつかあるが、彼らはそれを認めず、何が起こってもプレイヤーのせいにし続けている。
自分の尻拭いのためにプレイするのですか? 支払い目的などですか?
また、右上隅を見ると、私のデバイスのサービスがフルバーになっているのに、彼らはインターネット接続に問題があったと言っているのがわかりますか? 最初は彼らが私から 80 を獲得していたときは接続の問題がなかったのに、私が勝つとすぐに接続の問題が発生するのはおかしいですね。私には少し奇妙に聞こえますが、あなたはどう思いますか?
This is so ridiculous the way this casino is acting.
So the game galaxy blast it has the potential to get some massive wins thats the only reason i keep playing it. It definitely still has some bugs that they wont addmitt to they just keep Blaming the Players for whatever happened.
This time however it is all on them 100%
So i was betting 11 dollars a turn the game froze my money amount but continued to run and went as high as it can go i have screenshots of this but they are saying that the scrrenshots are not good enough that u should be screen recording all my game play?
Thats not right is it?
Dont casino's have records of all the
Play to cover their own butt? For payment purposes and what not?
You can see in my screenshots that my cashout amount is not on the leaderboard at any timewjen if i cashed out it would post right away....
And you can also see in the top right corner that my service on my device is at full bars yet they are tryi g to say that i was having internet connection issues? Funny how there eas no connection issuseswhrn they were winning the 80 from me at first but as soon as i win there is connection issuaes? Sounds a little wonky to me how about you wahts your opinion?