私がカジノに提出し、すでに承認されているのは、ケベック州の運転免許証です。自撮り写真です。数日前の日付のケイン ハイドロの請求書も提出しましたが、承認されました。
KYC が重要であることは理解しています。私の文書はすべて準拠しています。
住所を更新するというシステムの問題は、不必要な障害です。新しい住所の確認処理は行われていません。28 日間の遅延があるだけです。
Thanks for your prompt response. I really appreciate it.
What I submitted to the casino that that has already been approved is my drivers license from the province of Quebec. Selfie.. I submitted my Kane Hydro bill dated a few days ago as well that was accepted.
However, it has not been fully verified because they haven’t completed the KYC.
All of the documentation I submitted that was deemed acceptable. Has my new address on it my drivers license and my Hydro bill.
Change of address request Sep 30 2024 also accepted.
I also provided proof of residence for my former address just to verify that my address prior was the current address when I registered so that there is no question.
I understand KYC is important. All of my documentation is compliant.
The system issue of updating my address is an unnecessary hurdle. It’s not processing a verification of the new address. It’s just a 28 day delay.
Please help