MyStake Casino 様、この会話に参加して、この事件に関する詳細情報を共有していただきたいと思います。
私の理解では、プレーヤーはイタリア国民であり、登録にはイタリアの「身分証明書」を使用しましたが、ビデオ認証中にプレーヤーは別の書類であるマルタの居住許可証を記録しました。ご覧のとおり、彼のアカウントは他人の文書を使用した疑いで閉鎖されました。文書を徹底的にチェックして、実際にはこれらが 1 人の人物に属する 2 つの異なる種類の文書であることを特定しましたか?
とにかく、状況を説明していただければ幸いです。裏付けとなる証拠をお持ちの場合は、私の電子メール アドレスnatalia.b@casino.guruにお送りください。
Hi Cody,
I've reviewed your case and am sorry that you came across such a problem with the verification of your account. I'll try my best to help you with the issue by contacting the casino and we'll see what can be done when they reply.
Dear MyStake Casino, I'd like to ask you to join this conversation and share more information regarding the case.
As I understand correctly, the player is an Italian citizen, and he used his Italian "Carta d'Identita" to register, however, during the video verification the player recorded his another document - residence permit in Malta. As I can see, his account was closed as he was accused of using the documents belonging to another person. Have you checked the documents thoroughly and identified that, in fact, these were two different types of documents belonging to one person?
Anyway, I'd appreciate if you could share your explanation of the situation. If you have any supporting evidence, please send it to my email address natalia.b@casino.guru.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,