私は Mystake に登録し、約 €50,000 を獲得しました。残念ながら、カジノにはプレイヤーが大当たりしたときに賞金を一度に引き出すことを防ぐ出金制限があるため、その金額を引き出すことができませんでした。このオフコースは、彼らが再び賭けに勝つことを期待してのことだ。残念ながら、大きな勝利を収めましたが、賞金を引き出すことができなかったので、私は賞金をギャンブルに費やしてしまいました。その結果、私は失ったお金を取り戻そうとし、さらに約5000ユーロを入金しました。損失を取り戻そうとするあまり、自分の行動やギャンブルをコントロールできなくなりました。
この金額を失った後、友人は、私はオランダ国民であるため、Mystake が私にサービスを提供するのは違法であり、オンラインカジノがオランダ当局からのライセンスなしにオランダ国民にサービスを提供することは違法であると私に言いました。彼らが私にサービスを提供することは違法であり、私がギャンブルをもうコントロールできなくなっていることを伝えたので、私は私のステークに電子メールを送り、入金額の返金を要求しました。頻度も金額も高くなっています。
残念ながら、まだ自分のアカウントにアクセスできることがわかり、お金が貯まったので、再度数回入金しました。私のアカウントは閉鎖されるはずだった瞬間から今に至るまで、入金して 1615 ユーロを失いました、-
私は Mystake に電子メールを送り、サイトにお金を入金する(したがって失う)ことはできないはずだったので、この金額の返金を要求しました。返答は、私はアカウントの閉鎖を要求したことはなく、mystake が責任を持って行動し、私のアカウントを閉鎖したことを知らせるメールは別のプレイヤーに宛てたものであるとのことでした。 (この電子メールは私の返金要求に対する直接の返信であるため、これは真実ではありません。)
I subscribed to Mystake and won around €50.000 unfortunately I was unable to withdraw the amount because the casino has withdrawal limits to prevent players from withdrawing their winnings at once when they hit big. This offcourse in the hopes they will gamble it away again. Unfortunately winning that big and being unable to withdraw my winnings, I gambled my winnings away. As a result I tried to win back my the money I lost and deposited around €5000 more. trying to win back my losses had caused me to not be in control of my actions and my gambling.
After losing this amount a friend told me that it was illegal for Mystake to offer me services since i'm a dutch national and it is illegal for an online casino to offer services to a dutch national without a licence from the dutch authorities. I send an e-mail to mystake requesting a refund of the deposited amount since it was illegal for them to offer me their services and I mentioned that I was not in control of my gambling anymore which they could see by looking at my deposits which were getting more frequent and of higher amounts.
They told me that I would not get a refund and that the terms and conditions state that a player must determine whether or not they could use the site and that had used my deposit and would not get a refund.
I replied with the fact that the casino has a responsibility to protect their players if their gambling becomes out of control, which I told them it had. I got a reply that i would not get a refund and that the casino had acted responsibly and had closed my account. this was in august
Unfortunately I found out that I could still access my account and when I had saved some money I deposited several times again. from the moment my account should have been closed up until now I deposited and lost €1615,-
I emailed Mystake that with the request of a refund of this amount since it should not have been possible for me to deposit (and therefore lose) any money on their site. The response was that I never requested for my account to be closed and that the email telling me that mystake had acted respinsibly and had closed my account was meant for another player. (this offcourse is not true since that e-mail was a direct reply to my request for a refund.)
In summary I never should have been able to deposit after I got the e-mail telling me that my account would have been closed.
Can you help me get the money back that the casino took from me by taking advantage of me by not closing my acccount after I told them it was illegal to offer me services and that I was not in control of my gambling?