こんにちは。私は、2023 年 3 月 14 日にアカウントがロックされ、引き出しがキャンセルされ、PressEnter Group が自社の PB Group を通じて運営する 8 つのカジノすべてで残高が没収された数人のプレーヤーの 1 人です。
定期的な入金と、1 回の出金につき 3 ユーロという高い出金手数料により、これらの個々のカジノで残高が蓄積されました。
少なくとも私の場合、彼らは 8 つのカジノすべての残高を没収するのにこれ以上のタイミングを選ぶことはできなかったでしょう。 14 日に 3 回目の出金を試みたところ、Trustly Pay'n'Play から私のアカウントが切断され、Trustly サービスを有効にするために入金するようシステムから求められました。明らかに、入金を行ったにもかかわらず、Pay'n'Play 機能が機能しませんでした。
カスタマーサービスに連絡したところ、メールで連絡するとのことでした。数時間後、彼らは私のカジノの残高をすべて空にし、8 つのカジノのネットワーク全体を代表して、1 つのサイト (21.com) のカスタマー サービスから私と電子メールを送信し、私が利用規約に違反している疑いがあることを伝えました。彼らは私のお金を「没収」し、そのすべてのカジノで私のアカウントを閉鎖した.没収された資産はすべて本物のお金でした。
状況の性質についての私の質問には、反応がありました。 「すべての詳細は前のメールに記載されています」 - 契約条件のセクション 17 と 20 を漠然と指摘しただけです。
彼らの応答は、私の要求が関連部門に転送され、回答を受け取ったら電子メールで返信されることを示す一般的なものでした.この後者のやり取りは 15 日に行われましたが、今のところ返信はありません。
私はカジノのルールに従ってプレイしました。預金とボーナスを賭けました。私が楽しんでプレイしているゲームの 1 つが許可されていないゲームのリストに予告なしに追加されたとしても、ボーナスマネーで許可されていないゲームをプレイしたことはありません。幸運なことに、その日たまたまボーナス条件を確認して気づいたのです。運が良かったのもあり、私が慎重だったのも一因です。顧客に変更について通知せずに、ゲームを許可されていないリストに追加し始めていることに気づいたからです。ただし、彼らは最近、通知した ToS にも変更を加えました。
全体として、私はこの PressEnter グループの行動に完全にショックを受けました。負けたプレーヤーはカジノにとって良いビジネスであり、彼らにプロモーションを提供することは、彼らをあなたのカジノでプレイさせる方法であることを理解しています.会社にとって有益な資産になります。これは、彼らの損失を取り戻すための必死の最後の手段のように感じます.実際、非常に絶望的なので、MGA ライセンスのカジノがこのようなことを試みることさえ考えていることにショックを受けました。
Hello. I'm one of the apparently several players who, on the 14th of march 2023, had their accounts locked, withdrawals cancelled and balances confiscated on all the 8 casinos run by PressEnter Group through their company PB Group;
I've been a customer for the casino network for years, I registered my NeonVegas account all the way back in 2020 while some of their casinos are of a more recent addition.
Lately they had started offering deposit bonuses on an unusually high frequency. They had daily deposit bonus campaigns that offered freespins, tournament promotions and on top of that they were generously offering bonus money on deposit every so often.
Constant depositing combined with their high withdrawal fee of 3 euro per withdrawal led to balance accumulation on these individual casinos.
At least in my case they couldn't have picked a better timing to confiscate my balances across all the 8 casinos, almost as if it was calculated... as I already had 2 pending withdrawals that I made day or two before and as I was attempting to make a third withdrawal on the 14th, they had disconnected my accounts from Trustly Pay'n'Play and I was asked by their system to make a deposit in order to activate the Trustly service. Obviously the Pay'n'Play function didn't work despite of making a deposit.
I contacted the customer service and they said they'll get in touch by email. Some hours later they emptied all my casino balances and sent me and email from the customer service of a singular site (21.com) on behalf of their whole network of 8 casinos telling how they suspect me of breaching their terms and conditions and based on that they've "confiscated" my money and closed down my accounts on all the casinos thereof. All the confiscated assets were real money.
My inquiries about the nature of the situation was met with response; "All the details are stated in the previous mail" - which only vaguely pointed to section 17 and 20 of their terms and conditions.
Unwillingness to elaborate further as to why they have confiscated my money and blocked my accounts, I once more requested my money to be returned to my casino balances and be allowed to be withdrawn and in the case they deny my request I also requested them to provide me with the reference number for the incident so that I can open a ticket with eCOGRA about this dispute.
Their response was again generic stating that my request has been forwarded to the relevant department and that they'll get back to me via email once they receive an answer. This latter exchange was on the 15th and as of yet, there has been no reply.
I have played by the rules of the casino; I've wagered my deposits and bonuses. I have not played games that aren't allowed with bonus money, even when they unannouncedly added one of the games I enjoy playing to the unallowed games list. Luckily I happened to check the bonus terms on that very day and noticed it. Well part of it being luck, part of it me being cautious as I had noticed them starting to add games to the unallowed list without notifying the customer about the changes, although they also recently made changes to the ToS that they did notify about.
All in all I was totally shocked by the actions taken by this PressEnter Group. I understand losing players are good business for casino and offering them promotions is a way to get them to play at your casino, what I don't understand is this attempted theft of customer assets when continuous effort of offering promotions has failed to turn the customer into a profitable asset for the company. This feels like a desperate last resort to recoup their losses. So desperate in fact, that I was shocked that an MGA licensed casino would even consider attempting something like this, let alone going for it.