Alrfksjx 様
- あなたはこれ以上質問する立場にありません、特に上で尋ねた質問はそうではありません
- あなたがこの苦情を提出する前に、カジノがあなたに説明と決定を提供したとしたら、基本的にそれがあなたが苦情を提出した理由であったとしたら、あなたは何の3週間について話しているのですか?それで、何が操作されたのでしょうか?もっと具体的に教えていただけますか?何が違って、どのようにして起こったのでしょうか?
- あなたは上記の私の質問のどれにも答えていません
- あなたが私に何の説明も回答も提供せず、代わりに基本的に「空の」返信を投稿した場合、何を分析すればよいでしょうか?
- はい、同意します、確かに何かがおかしいです
Dear Alrfksjx,
I am still in contact with the casino representative outside of the thread, and I am currently waiting for further details. As soon as I have any news or updates, I will inform you directly here.
But - what are you talking about?
- You are really in no position to ask more questions, especially not the ones you asked above
- What 3 weeks are you talking about if the casino provided you with its explanation and decision before you submitted this complaint, while it was basically the reason why you submitted it? So, what was manipulated? Can you be more specific, please? What happened differently and how did it happen?
- You have not answered any of my questions above
- What should I analyze if you have not provided me with any explanation or answers, and instead, you posted basically "empty" replies?
- Yes, I agree, there is definitely something strange
So, now please read all the questions in my previous post once again, and provide me with clear and truthful answers.
The casino is not the only one that has to provide us with details. We try to help players with their issues, but we also require their full cooperation in resolving their complaints. Therefore, please note if you fail to cooperate in providing the requested information and resolving your issue, I will be forced to think about complaint closure/rejection.
Thank you for understanding. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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