私は€40の預金をしました。そして、私の銀行がプロセスを完了したにもかかわらず、彼らは私の口座に現れませんでした.最初はすべて順調でしたが、3 か月後の経験は不快で、残念です。信じて騙されて悲しいから誰か助けてほしい…
I have made deposits of €40. And they never showed up in my account even though my bank has completed the process. In the beginning everything was fine, my experience after 3 months is unpleasant, too bad, I'm very sorry. I would like someone to help me because it's sad to trust and be fooled like this...
Έχω κάνει καταθέσεις 40€. Και ποτέ δεν εμφανίστηκαν στον λογαριασμό μου ενώ από την τράπεζα μου έχει ολοκληρωθεί η διαδικασία . Στην αρχή ήταν όλα καλά η εμπειρία μου μετά από 3 μήνες ειναι δυσάρεστη πολύ κρίμα λυπάμαι πολύ . Θα ήθελα να με βοηθήσει κάποιος γιατι είναι λυπηρό να εμπιστεύεσαι και να σε κοροϊδεύουν έτσι ...
- アカウントの識別に関するヘルプHelp with account identificationΒοήθεια στην ταυτοποίηση λογαριασμού
- これまでのところ、素晴らしいゲームと楽しいNice games and good fun so farΩραία παιχνίδια και καλή διασκέδαση μέχρι στιγμής
- 大きな賭けでは、ボーナスや大きな利益を得るための良い組み合わせは見たことがありません。早くそれを見て、ここで世界に報告したいと思っています。In big bets I haven't seen a bonus or a good combination to see a big profit. I hope to see it soon and report it here to the world.Σε πονταρισιες μεγάλες δεν έχω ποιασει μπόνους η ένα καλό συνδυασμό για να δω κάποιο μεγάλο κέρδος. Ελπίζω να το δω σύντομα και να το αναφερω εδώ σε όλο τον κόσμο .
- 1日あたり最大500ユーロの低出金。Low withdrawal up to €500 per day.Χαμηλή ανάληψη μεχρι 500€ την ημέρα .

Need For Spin Casino
SakDedes1 様
私たちの主な目的の 1 つは、使いやすく、お客様に興奮をもたらすプラットフォームを作成することです。そのため、当カジノでは、あらゆる種類の約 3000 種類の幅広いゲームを見つけることができます。
あなたの懸念についての詳細を私たちのチャットに戻していただきたいと思います.サポートチームが 24 時間年中無休でサポートいたしますので、お気軽にお問い合わせください。
ニード フォー スピン カジノ代表
私たちの主な目的の 1 つは、使いやすく、お客様に興奮をもたらすプラットフォームを作成することです。そのため、当カジノでは、あらゆる種類の約 3000 種類の幅広いゲームを見つけることができます。
あなたの懸念についての詳細を私たちのチャットに戻していただきたいと思います.サポートチームが 24 時間年中無休でサポートいたしますので、お気軽にお問い合わせください。
ニード フォー スピン カジノ代表
Dear SakDedes1,
thank you for expressing your opinion. We appreciate each feedback given by our customers.
Please, accept our apologies for any inconvenience that has happened to you while playing in our casino. We would like to inform you that, the payment options that are displayed on our site do not belong to us, and are a third-party service.
Kindly ask you to come back to our Live-Chat and provide us more information regarding the missing transactions. The relevant department will make sure to conduct a vigorous check-up.
We are sorry to see that you are not as satisfied, with your gaming experience, as you used to be in the beginning.
One of our main aims is to create a platform, which is easy to be used and brings excitement to our customers. That is why, in our casino, you can find a wide range of games, about 3000 of all kinds.
Please, note that we cooperate with only licensed game providers, and we have no influence upon the winnings. Also, if you wish to receive bonuses, we highly recommend you to check our "Promotions" section and contact our support team regarding this matter.
As regards, the withdrawal amount limit, we would like to inform you that this is a common aspect in casinos, and we are not an exception. For more information regarding withdrawal policy, we kindly ask you to read our Terms and Conditions.
We would like to have you back in our chat with more details regarding your concerns. Do not hesitate to contact us, as our support team is available 24/7 to assist you!
Kind regards,
Need For Spin Casino Representative
thank you for expressing your opinion. We appreciate each feedback given by our customers.
Please, accept our apologies for any inconvenience that has happened to you while playing in our casino. We would like to inform you that, the payment options that are displayed on our site do not belong to us, and are a third-party service.
Kindly ask you to come back to our Live-Chat and provide us more information regarding the missing transactions. The relevant department will make sure to conduct a vigorous check-up.
We are sorry to see that you are not as satisfied, with your gaming experience, as you used to be in the beginning.
One of our main aims is to create a platform, which is easy to be used and brings excitement to our customers. That is why, in our casino, you can find a wide range of games, about 3000 of all kinds.
Please, note that we cooperate with only licensed game providers, and we have no influence upon the winnings. Also, if you wish to receive bonuses, we highly recommend you to check our "Promotions" section and contact our support team regarding this matter.
As regards, the withdrawal amount limit, we would like to inform you that this is a common aspect in casinos, and we are not an exception. For more information regarding withdrawal policy, we kindly ask you to read our Terms and Conditions.
We would like to have you back in our chat with more details regarding your concerns. Do not hesitate to contact us, as our support team is available 24/7 to assist you!
Kind regards,
Need For Spin Casino Representative