残念ながら 0 を返すことはできません... 私が送った出金が行われたという最初の確認を何日も待っていました。 1 時間ごとにメールが送られてきますが、誰も返信しません。
Too bad you can't give 0... I've been waiting for days for the first verification that the withdrawal I'm sending has now been made. Emails every hour and no one replies...stay l9ndatinda this mess it's not true that they are paid without relief in 1-24 hours they don't answer your email and I don't say anything in the chat
Peccato non si può dare 0... Sto da giorni aspettando prima la verifica che è stata fatta ora il prelievo sto mandando. Mail ogni ora e nessuno risponde...state l9ndatinda questo casino non é vero che vengono pagati inorelievi in 1-24 ore nn ti rispondono ne alla mail e nella chat nn dico o nulla
- 時間がかかりすぎるカジノCasino that takes too longCasino che ha tempi troppo lunghi

Snatch Casino
Victor1983 様
それでも返信がない場合は、メールの SPAM フォルダを確認してください。または、ライブチャットにお問い合わせください。
それでも返信がない場合は、メールの SPAM フォルダを確認してください。または、ライブチャットにお問い合わせください。
Dear Victor1983,
Thank you for your feedback. We will take into account the fact that you have not been able to contact the Finance Department team for a long time. Sometimes due to the workload of our Finance Department, we have to wait longer than usual for a reply.
If you still have not received a reply, please check your SPAM folder in your mail. Alternatively, contact our live chat.
Thank you for your understanding!
Best regards,
Snatch Casino
Thank you for your feedback. We will take into account the fact that you have not been able to contact the Finance Department team for a long time. Sometimes due to the workload of our Finance Department, we have to wait longer than usual for a reply.
If you still have not received a reply, please check your SPAM folder in your mail. Alternatively, contact our live chat.
Thank you for your understanding!
Best regards,
Snatch Casino