30 ユーロのボーナスで登録しましたが、ゲームをプレイできませんでした。サポートに連絡したところ、対応してもらえました。残念ながら、このボーナスの条件では、ボーナス資金でプレイしたり、引き出したりすることはできません。フリースピンで獲得した賞金を実際の残高から取り戻すには、入金する必要があります。ボーナスを全額賭けると、資金は自動的に実際の残高に振り込まれ、引き出し可能になります。
I registered with the 30 euro bonus and it wouldn't let me play any games. I contacted support and they responded. Unfortunately, according to the terms of this bonus, you cannot play with bonus funds or withdraw them. You need to make a deposit in order to win back winnings from free spins from your real balance. When you fully wager the bonus, the funds will automatically be transferred to your real balance and will be available for withdrawal.
to give you some advice! Is there anything else I can be of assistance to you.
I don't understand what no deposit bonus is that I need to deposit?
to give you some advice! Is there anything else I can be of assistance to you.
I don't understand what no deposit bonus is that I need to deposit?
Έκανα εγγραφή με το μπόνους των 30 ευρώ και δεν νε άφηνε να παίξω σε κανένα παιχνίδι. Επικοινώνησα με την υποστηριξη και μου απάντησαν
''Unfortunately, according to the terms of this bonus, you cannot play with bonus funds or withdraw them. You need to make a deposit in order to win back winnings from free spins from your real balance. When you fully wager the bonus, the funds will automatically be transferred to your real balance and will be available for withdrawal.
to give you some advice! Is there anything else I can be of assistance to you?''
Δεν καταλαβαίνω τι μπόνους χωρίς κατάθεση είναι αυτό που πρέπει να καταθέσω;
''Unfortunately, according to the terms of this bonus, you cannot play with bonus funds or withdraw them. You need to make a deposit in order to win back winnings from free spins from your real balance. When you fully wager the bonus, the funds will automatically be transferred to your real balance and will be available for withdrawal.
to give you some advice! Is there anything else I can be of assistance to you?''
Δεν καταλαβαίνω τι μπόνους χωρίς κατάθεση είναι αυτό που πρέπει να καταθέσω;

Daddy Casino
Thank you for your feedback. The bonus you are talking about has a wagering option only from the real balance, this information was provided to you in chat. This bonus is an addition to the game on the real balance, as it does not limit you in winning and gives the opportunity to cancel it and withdraw your funds at any time. If the bonus is wagered from the real balance, the bonus amount will simply be transferred to your real account. We are sorry that this bonus was not suitable for you, however, you could have declined it.
Thank you for your feedback. The bonus you are talking about has a wagering option only from the real balance, this information was provided to you in chat. This bonus is an addition to the game on the real balance, as it does not limit you in winning and gives the opportunity to cancel it and withdraw your funds at any time. If the bonus is wagered from the real balance, the bonus amount will simply be transferred to your real account. We are sorry that this bonus was not suitable for you, however, you could have declined it.