私は何年もオンラインでゲームをしてきましたが、勝ったり負けたりしました。私が勝ったとき、私は私のお金を期待します、これらの人々はあなたに支払わない理由を作ります。これらのオンラインカジノのほとんどは、無制限のゲームをプレイしたり、ボーナスでカジノで14,000ドルを無制限にプレイしたりして捕まらないようにゲームが設定されています。私はボーナスが嫌いですが、少しお金を入金したところ、幸運にも実際に $14,000 をプレイすることができ、さらに $4000 を獲得することができました…。ログを読みました。ログには、Playthru がゼロ、ボーナスがゼロ、実際の金額は $3594 であると書かれていました。やあ、お金が必要だったので嬉しいです。保育所があるので、そのお金を請求書の支払いに使いたかったのですが、もうすぐクリスマスです、何とか何とか、私のライトコインが機能しなかったので、かなり満足してビットコインで引き出しました、それが通過するのを待って、少しお金を残しましたアカウントを削除して、再び入金されるのを待ってプレイしていたのですが、突然このようなメールが届くようになりました。 …。
あるメールには「理解しました」と書かれていたので、他のメールを見たところ、出金は無効になり、実際にお金が取られたと書かれていました。彼らは私から2500ドルを取りました。この assh)$e& は、私に別のメールを送ってきました。彼らは私の 207.94 ドルを口座に戻してくれました。
Well, after all this complaining, they made everything right I think the BRANGO management for changing everything to make it more secure for the players to play without looking at the fine print so that we can make less mistakes which makes our money void. Thank you so much I feel comfortable playing on that platform again.
I was not paid for this review. They made everything right in my situation, and I appreciate the attention to my experience.
I have been online for years gaming and I’ve won and I’ve lost. When I, win I expect my money these people make up reasons to not pay you. Most of these casinos online have the games set up so that you won’t get caught playing an unrestricted game or an unrestricted amount I played through $14,000 at the casino with their bonus. I hate bonuses but I deposited a little money and I got lucky I actually went through $14,000 with them Play through and then I won another $4000 on top of that…. I read the log the log said your Playthru is zero your bonus is zero your real amount is $3594. Hey, I’m happy I needed the money. I have a Childcare so I wanted to use the money to pay up bills it’s almost Christmas blah blah blah my light coin didn’t work so I withdrew it in bitcoin pretty happy, waiting for it to come through left a little bit money on the account and played through that waiting for the money to come through again all of a sudden I’m getting these emails. ….
One email said confirm I understand that looked at the other emails and they said hey your withdrawal was voided and the money was actually taken. They took $2500 from me. These assh)$e& sent me another email that said oh we know you didn’t do this intentional so we put your money back. They put my $207.94 back in the account.
Oh I’m confused I’m confused I’m pissed and confused because what am I supposed to do with the $207 I kept asking them what games can I play with this little bit amount that isn’t going to be called restricted ….. if your online bullshit isn’t set up correctly to follow the rules, don’t invite anybody on the platform to play at their rig games they set you up for failure because on most platforms, if the game is restricted or if you have a bonus that you need to play off is clearly labeled and restricted games. Do not come up, I’m still so very very much confused on how I played through $14,000 and made another $4000 that was supposed to be my money played a little bit more cashed out 2500 and played and gave back. I don’t know 1094 something and they took it from me they took it from me so either they do this on purpose so that you can play on your platform you think you want and you followed all the rules and then at the end they snatch it back from you.