は私のオンライン カジノ体験の中で最悪のものです。そもそも私がここに入金するに至ったのは私自身の精査の不足であったことは感謝していますが、もしこのレビューとその後の閉鎖に向けた試みが、正式なライセンスの保護を受けずに賭けをする人を救うのに役立つのであれば、それは役に立ちます。それだけの価値がありました。
結論として、 は最悪の人向けのポスターカジノであり、オンラインで賭けたい人にとっては最悪の経験となるでしょう。 is the very worst of my online casino experiences. Whilst I appreciate that it was my own lack of scrutiny that led me to deposit here in the first place, if this review and the subsequent attempts to get them shut down helps save one person from betting without the protection of an official licence, it will have been worth it.
I currently have a withdrawal pending but it has been for ages, I know I will never get it. I have accepted this and have written it off as an idiot tax but it doesn't diminish my desire for the people behind the scenes at this insidious site to get their comeuppance.
Each time I point out a law they are breaking, they swerve or dismiss, either through ignorance or an inherent dishonesty.
Each time I explain they haven't upheld their responsibilities in line with the licence they claim to have, they lie.
I have spoken to a few financial institutions and they are in the process of investigations to remove their ability to take payment from certain geographical regions but until then, please avoid making the same mistake I made.
In conclusion, is the poster casino for the very worst people and the very worst experience anyone wanting to bet online might have.