このプラットフォームを通じて、このサイトやその言葉を信頼する人は誰もいないことを皆さんに知ってもらいたいです。あなたのお金は盗まれます。ここに1セントでも入金すると、必然的にあなたのお金を差し押さえます。入金した金額を詐取するので、誰も信頼しません。私はここで悪い経験をしました。カジノの世界で最悪の経験です。嘘つきと泥棒。あなたがいくらでも入金すると、ここでみんなに奪われます。誰もあなたの問題を解決しません。私はここにいます。2023年11月5日から私のお金はここで盗まれました。私のお金は私の知らないうちに引き出されました。約85,600DGB以上。その日から、毎日私のお金を取り戻すために私との約束が設定されています。文字通り毎日彼はそう言っていました。嘘つき、監督者、所有者は皆、真実を言わない泥棒です。今日まで、彼らは何十回、何百回も私に言ったように私のお金を送っていません。私はそのような嘘と盗難をする人がいるとは信じていませんでした。彼らは、私が苦情や否定的なレビューを提出しないように、毎日私と連絡を取り合っていました。年間を通じて毎日、彼らは私に連絡して先延ばしにし、経営陣が問題を解決するために私に連絡し、2024年11月末に送金するが、誰も従わなかったと書くように頼みました。彼はオーナーに連絡し、12月6日に送金すると言ったが、従わなかった。彼は再び連絡し、12月12日と言ったが、従わなかった。彼は再び連絡し、別の日付は12月20日だと言ったが、また従わなかった。最後の日付は12月24日で、彼は応答しませんでした。私との約束はすべて、彼からのメッセージで、そう言っています。私は誰も訴えないし、誰かが間違っていると非難もしていませんし、サイトには私たちは何の関係もないと書かれています。私たちの間の会話のスクリーンショットをすべて持っていることはわかっています。このすべてと、2023年11月、2023年12月、2024年1月の以前の約束以外。各月には10以上の異なる約束があります。 2024年2月、2024年3月、同年4月など、これらすべての日付は
I want everyone to know through this platform that no one trusts this site or its words. Your money is stolen. It will inevitably seize your money if you deposit any cent here. No one trusts it because it will defraud any amount you deposit. I have a bad experience here. The worst experience in the world of casinos. Liars and thieves. If you deposit any amount, you will be robbed here by everyone. No one will solve your problem. I am here. My money was stolen here from November 5, 2023. My money was withdrawn without my knowledge. Approximately 85,600 DGB or more. From that date, every day an appointment is set with me to recover my money. Literally every day he used to say that. The liars, supervisors, and owners are all thieves who do not tell the truth. To this day, they have not sent my money as they told me dozens of times, even hundreds of times. I did not believe that there were people with such lies and theft. They were communicating With me every day so that I do not file a complaint or a negative review about them. Every day throughout the year, they contact me and procrastinate and asked me to write that the management contacted me to solve the problem and that they will send the money at the end of November 2024 and no one complied. He contacted the owner and said that he will send the money on December 6 and did not comply. He contacted again and said December 12 and did not comply. He contacted again and said another date is December 20 and did not comply again. The last date was December 24 and he did not respond. Every appointment with me is a message from him saying that. I do not sue anyone and I do not accuse anyone of being wrong and the site says we have nothing to do with it. Knowing that I have every screenshot of the conversations between us. All of this and other than the previous appointments in November 2023, December 2023 and January 2024. Each month has more than ten different appointments. As well as February 2024 March 2024 and April of the same year, all of these dates
Throughout the year in all months of the year, and the owner kept deceiving me with empty compensations every date
So that I would not complain about the site, but after all that time, I was certain that these are first-class professional thieves
To the utmost degree, to the point that he contacted me and told me to open a new account inside bitsler
Because the old one had been seized by a hacker, this is what the owner of the site, Baryom, said here, telling me that a hacker stole my money
And indeed, I created a new account as he said, and he asked me to deposit $ 2,500 into the account on the site to prove to him as the owner of the site bitsler here that I am the owner of the money and send it to me, and indeed, that money was deposited from the same wallet used before in previous deposits and in the same currency, and I did what he said and asked of me and deposited the money inside the site in bitsler to prove as he says that I am the owner of the account
But the money was stolen, it is The other is from the account inside the site and when I asked him where my money is
which I deposited recently, he told me that the supervisor NWO stole it and is no longer there again and do not send it to him again because he stole the depositors' money and is no longer there. These are thieves, no one trusts them.
They will steal your money, no one trusts them.
Steals, thieves, thieves, no one trusts them. I will write that on all sites
and social media. I will not leave a place and I will write in it what happened to me over the course of 14 months.
And let everyone know that the owner baryom accused me when I complained before on one of the sites that I support the killers just because I am a Muslim from the Middle East and accused me of supporting Hamas just because I am a Muslim.
No one trusts these people. Your money will be stolen under any pretext