さて、今日、私は彼らから 2 通目のわいせつなメールを受け取りました。今回は、500 ドルのチップのオファーでした。私は本当に、オファーを受け入れるためにリンクをクリックするべきではなかったのですが、昨日ダグラスと連絡を取った後 (そして彼は二度とこのようなことは起こらないと私に保証しました)、私は自分のアカウントが安全であると信じました。
Yesterday, I received a promotional email from their support email address that stated I was handpicked for a $200 chip. I clicked on the link to redeem the offer and instead was shocked to see a pornography website. I contacted management and was informed that the email wasn’t sent by them. They assured me that their IT department had fixed the issue and that my account data was safe and secure. They credited me with $100 free play. I was naive and stupid…I believed them and played the free chip which of course didn’t give me much game time at all.
Now, today I’ve received a SECOND pornographic email from them. This time, the offer was for a $500 chip. I really shouldn’t have clicked on the link to accept the offer, but after communicating with Douglas yesterday (and him assuring me that it would never happen again), I believed that my account was secure.
There is a saying, "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me". I fell for the hack trap and I hope that this review can save others from making the same mistake. If you want to dump money into a site that will send you pornographic emails to hack you, then this is a site for you.