私が提出した書類は正確でガイドラインに準拠しているのに、BassBet はそれを繰り返し拒否しています。同社のカスタマー サポートは、私の書類が審査中であると主張する自動 AI 生成の応答を送信していますが、具体的な更新情報は提供していません。
The documents I’ve provided are correct and comply with their guidelines, yet BassBet has repeatedly rejected them. Their customer support has been sending automated, AI-generated responses, claiming my documents are being reviewed but without providing any concrete updates.
I’m frustrated because I’ve been promised multiple times that the issue will be resolved, but I’ve received no clear answers or actions. Instead, I’m simply told that the withdrawal is in queue, and they keep using verification as an excuse for the delays, especially with the weekend approaching. It feels like the delays are intentional, as they avoid processing withdrawals before the weekend.