3回目で約1000ドル勝ったのに、彼らは前回と同じようなことをやっていて、私のプレイが公正であることを確認する必要があると言って、2〜3週間延期するつもりです。ここでプレイしないでください!!! 彼らがどうやってこの評価を得たのかわかりません。彼らは嘘をつき、支払いもせず、チャットであなたのプレイをゲームプロバイダーに送信することについて嘘をつく人に出会うまでに40分も待たなければなりません。そうですか🙄そして、彼らがここで返信するのは冗談です。彼らは直接のメールには返信しないので、彼らから何も期待しないでください。繰り返しますが、ここでプレイしないでください!
I won a couple hundred dollars the first time and they paid out with no problem the Second time I won $3000 and they said they We’re going to pay me out in 48 hours and then they put it all back into my balance and said that they had to send all of my play To the game provider, which would take 2 to 3 weeks
The third time I just won about $1000 and they’re pulling the same stunt as they did with the last one they say they have to make sure my play is fair and they’re going to send it out for 2 to 3 weeks Do not play here!!! I don’t know how they get this rating, Because they lie, they don’t pay out and you have to wait for 40 minutes to even get a person on chat who proceeds to lie to you about sending away your play to the game provider Yeah, right 🙄 And Them responding on here is a joke because they will not respond to a direct email so don’t expect anything from them. I repeat. DO NOT PLAY HERE!