だから、次はジャグリングをしているビデオが求められると言ったのは冗談だったのですが、過去 2 週間にわたって私が提供したすべての情報、何十枚もの写真に加えて、毎回「これで最後です」と言いながら、今度は別の種類の身分証明書と全身写真、そしてもちろん別の住所証明も求められます。
もう一度、カジノの達人に、ここに介入してこの狂気を止めて欲しいと懇願します。毎日届く新しいリクエストをただ転送するだけではなく。私は病気で、仕事もあって、子どもが 3 人いるので、彼らがやっているこの馬鹿げたゲームに付き合う時間はありません。
すると、私が教えた番号は使えないと言われました。面白いことに、あなたは午前 3 時にその番号で私に電話をかけ、留守番電話を残しました。
そして彼らは、標識の G が E のように見えると言います。
私はこれを Casino Guru の手に委ねます。私にはもうこのストレスに対処する能力がありません。
もしそれが終結するなら、カジノ グルに、私が彼らの望むことを何でも言ったり、したりしているビデオを送ります。
So I was joking when I said they would next want a video of me juggling, but now, in addition to all the information I have provided them over the past two weeks, dozens of photos, EACH TIME they say THIS WILL BE THE LAST THING they ask for something else, now they want ANOTHER different ID type, and a FULL BODY PHOTO and sure why not ANOTHER different proof of address.
Once again I am begging casino guru to step in here and stop this madness - not just forward me their new request as they come in each day. I am sick, I have work and 3 kids and I do not have time for this ridiculous game they are playing.
You need to step in and put an end to this.
Here is the final list of demands they have requested, each time saying each item will be the last, only for it to be followed by another one the next day:
They rejected my utility bill saying it didn't show my name and address when it was clearly shown at the top.
Then rejected my selfie saying it was low resolution when it wasn't.
Then rejected it saying I was covering the edges when I was not at all.
After providing all new docs they say they need a phone call and give me a disconnected number to call.
Then they say they will call me and never do.
Then they provide a timeslot they will call in, but never do, so I've stayed up all night on a work night with the flu for nothing,
Then they say the number I gave them isn't working, funny because you managed to call me on it AT 3AM and leave a voicemail.
Then they want another selfie of me holding a sign.
Then they say I don't look "serious enough" in the sign selfie
Then they say the G looks like an E on the sign.
Now they want a FULL BODY selfie holding a Different form of ID with front and back
AND another proof of address
I will no longer communicate with this casino as I do not believe they are acting in good faith.
I leave this in Casino Guru's hands, I do not have the ability to deal with this stress any longer.
If it would put an end to it I will send casino guru a video of me saying and doing whatever they want.