オンラインの Revolution カジノのサービスに関する問題を皆さんと共有したいと思います。透明性と説明責任を信条として、皆さんの助けを切実に求めたいと思います。皆さんが私の不満を解決してくれることを願っています。次のステップに必要な具体的な詳細やその他の情報を提供する準備はできています。もちろん、Revolution カジノのサポートにも協力する準備はできています。
カジノ サイトのアカウント セクションに書かれているように、私のアカウントは「確認されたようです」。今まで書類を送る必要はなく、誰にも尋ねられず、3 月 4 日に問題なく出金 (約 100,000 Ft) を行うことができました。
今、9,000 Ft の payesafecard 入金から 250 万 Ft の賞金を獲得できました。これは信じられないことで、私はとてもラッキーです! これは 3 月 14 日から起こり始めました。その時から、私はいかなる種類のボーナスも使用していません。
結局、私は 3 月 14 日、16 日、17 日に 3 回のアクティブな引き出しをリクエストしました。それぞれ 160,000 Ft で、銀行振込でした。これは、VIP 1 レベルのルールによる 1 日あたりの引き出しの最大額です (ちなみに、残高のほぼすべてを引き出せるようにしたいのです)。私が見る限り、それぞれはまだ「処理中」ですが、期限は数日前に戻っています。
私の苦情に関わって、問題の解決に協力していただけませんか? 本当に感謝しています!
添付ファイルは個人情報欄に送ったと思います! 🙂
Dear Madame/Sir, Guru(s)!
I would like to share my issues with You about services of online Revolution casino. In the faith of transparensy and accountability I would like to ask your help assistance despereatly! I hope You, Guys can solve my complain(s)! I am ready to face to provide You any+more specific details or what else You need for next steping forward! Of course I am also ready to be cooperative with Revolution Casino support!
My case:
My account "seems to be verified" , as casino site says in my account section. I didn't have to send any documents till now, nobody asked me, and I was able to make a withdrawal (app. 100.000 Ft) in 4th of March without any issues.
Now, from 9.000 Ft payesafecard deposit I was able to get 2.5M Ft winnings, which is insane and I am hyper lucky! It started to happen from 14th of March. Non of any kind of bonuses were used from that time by me.
So after all, I have requested 3 active withdrawals on 14th, 16th and 17th of March. Each of them were 160.000 Ft, via bank transfer. This is the maximum amount of withdrawal per days by rules VIP 1 level (I want to be able to withdrawal approxiametly all of my balance by the way! ). As far as I can see each of them are still "under process" but their timeframes are passed back in days.
I have already tried to figure out what's happening, or how can I participate constructively to finish pendig withdrawals with succes.
After several talks with online costumer support chat, days by days (unfortunatelly they are not responding letters of mine via email, till now, yet no), I felt desperate and saddness because what they said about whats going on, what's causing delay, I am sorry to say but they are not really transparent, for a thinking customer, like me. I have made transcripts of chats for secure reasons, because I started to be concerning.
I am a constructive and cooperative man, who is always ready to make efforts along rules to solve issues, but after all, when I said in chat I am not patient anymore and ask constructive soloutions, somehow I am not able to use online chat services now at all.
Could you please get involved in my complain and help me to solve my cases? I would really appriciate that!
Thank You for your replies in advance!
B. R.
P. S.
I have sent attachemnts in privat information section, I guess! 🙂