プレイヤーが制限地域から KYC 文書を提出した場合、制限管轄区域のプレイヤーが当社のサービスを利用するリスクを冒すことはできないため、プレイヤーが当該地域に住んでいるとみなしてアカウントを閉鎖する以外に選択肢はありません。これは当社の利用規約にも明記されており、すべてのプレイヤーが参加前に理解しているものと想定しています。
Hello Peter and leftlanepapi,
Happy to elaborate on the circumstances for you.
As per the requirements of our license, there are certain territories from which players are not allowed to join and use our services. However, it is also of course possible for someone to mask their actual whereabouts with certain tools if they wish to do so. That being said, this is not allowed, and it is made clear in our Terms and Conditions.
If a player does submit KYC documents from a restricted region, we have no other option but to assume that they reside in said region and close their account, as we cannot risk having players from restricted jurisdictions using our services. This is also mentioned clearly in our Terms and Conditions, which we assume all players familiarise themselves with prior to joining.
Should a player would reside in a non-restricted region, we don't see why they wouldn't immediately submit documents from that region, proving they are playing on the site legally. There shouldn't be an issue submitting these documents if that indeed is their permanent residency.
Once a user has been confirmed to reside in a restricted region via the documents they submitted, it is not possible to "re-verify" yourself to another location and reverse this decision, as they have already breached the Terms and Conditions by confirming they resided in a restricted region while using our services.
Hopefully this clears the situation for you, happy to elaborate if needed!