アカウントが永久に削除されたにもかかわらず、2024 年 5 月 6 日に新しい Roobet アカウントを作成することができました。その後数か月で大きな損失を被り、ギャンブル依存症に陥っていることに気づきました。そのため、2024 年 7 月 2 日にアカウントの永久削除をリクエストしました。返答がなかったため、7 月 3 日に永久除外をリクエストしました。
数週間前、ギャンブルのストリーマーをいくつか見て再びギャンブルに引き込まれ、8 月 21 日にアカウント開設をリクエストしました。これは明らかに「責任あるギャンブル ポリシー」に反しているにもかかわらず、私のアカウントは 8 月 26 日に再開されました。私の 2FA セキュリティも 8 月 30 日に無効になりました。それ以来、私は再びギャンブル依存症に陥り、数日間で約 11,000 ドルを失いました。
8 月 21 日までのすべての損失については、私が全責任を負うことを明確にしておきます。私の経済状況は壊滅的でしたが、ギャンブル依存症に苦しんでいたことを認めるには重要なことでした。そこで、私は Roobet アカウントを閉鎖する第一歩を踏み出しました。
係争金額は、Roobet に表示される通り USD で記載されていることに注意してください。ただし、入金はすべて LTC でした。
On January 26th, 2024, I had requested (after several attempts) to have my Roobet account permanently closed and deleted.
Despite having my account permanently deleted, on May 6th, 2024 I was able to create a new Roobet account. Over the next few months I sustained heavy losses, and realized I was dealing with a gambling addiction. On July 2nd, 2024, I therefore requested my account to be permanently deleted. After receiving no response, I requested a permanent exclusion on July 3rd.
A few weeks ago, I was drawn in again after watching a few gambling streamers, and made a request to open my account on August 21st. Despite this explicitly being against your "responsible gambling policy", my account was re-opened on August 26th. My 2FA security was also disabled on August 30th. Since then, I have fallen back into my addiction and lost around $11,000 in a matter of a few days.
I would like to make it clear that I take full responsibility for all the losses before August 21th. While devastating to my financial situation, they were important to acknowledge that I was struggling with a gambling addiction, and I made the first step in closing my Roobet account.
Despite requesting self-exclusion and deleting my account being very difficult, and requiring multiple emails to support. Re-opening my account was extremely easy, and the complete lack of responsibility for responsible gambling by your support only aided towards relapsing and being allowed to gamble again. And I feel that my recent losses and fall back into my addiction is a direct result due to the lack of care by your support.
I am reaching out to request your assistance in addressing this situation. Given the circumstances surrounding my self-exclusion, I would appreciate your guidance on how we can proceed with recovering these losses.
Please note that the disputed amount is listed in USD, as that's what's displayed on Roobet. However all the deposits where in LTC.