返金リクエストは、Royal Fortune の Gabriel Monsero によって 5 月 24 日に承認されました。これは預金の 50% となり、6 月初旬に処理される予定でした。
私は、上記すべてのメール証拠と、6 月 3 日になっても私の銀行口座に返金がなかったという証拠を持っています。私は 6 月 3 日から 9 月 13 日まで、つまり 3 か月以上、ほぼ毎日 Royal Fortune に連絡していましたが、一度も返信がありませんでした。これは信じられないことです。評判の良い企業なら、このような行動を取るはずがありません。
9 月 16 日、ガブリエルは私を嘘つきと呼び、チャージバックで資金を返金したと大胆にも言いました。これはまったくの嘘です。私が返金された唯一の資金は合計 435.61 ポンドで、22 Management という会社に送金されました。同社はコードが誤っていたことを認め、責任を持って返金してくれました。銀行の詐欺部門と、私がガブリエルに送った銀行取引明細書のメール (Casinoguru コミュニティにコピーされています) によって確認されたところによると、私が受け取ったのは 435.61 ポンドのみでした。私は 7 月の初めに 22 Management に連絡し、7 月末に返金されました。Royal Fortune から約束された返金が届かず、メールにも返信がなかったため、6 月中ずっと待ってから自分で回収活動を開始しましたが、これは受け入れられませんでした。
私はこの詐欺カジノに 4,000 ポンド以上入金したので、入金の 50% が返金されるとしても、Royal Fortune にはまだ 1,500 ポンド以上が未払いのままです。
弁護士が電子メールは法律上は書面による契約とみなされると明確にアドバイスしているため、この問題が解決しない場合は法的措置を取らなければならない立場に今私はいます。私はこれを望んでいません。この数か月間、この問題全体が私に相当な不必要なストレスを与えてきました。Royal Fortune の私に対する態度は、このビジネスの運営方法を物語っていると思います。特に、先週の賭博・賭博評議会による報告書を含む、海外の違法カジノが Gamstop に登録された脆弱な英国のプレイヤーを積極的に狙っているという最近のさまざまなオンライン記事を考えると、法廷に進んだ場合、彼らの防御手段は非常に限られているでしょう。
Hi Tomas
Account was created and deposits made in April and deposits made then.
Refund request approved on 24th May by Gabriel Monsero at Royal Fortune. This was to be 50% of the deposits and to be processed at the beginning of June.
At this point I also flagged to Gabriel that my card data had been breached as a number of fraudulent transactions from an unknown party were attempted on my bank account as card purchases. Gabriel did not comment on this and certainly did not care.
I have email evidence of all of the above as well as evidence that come the 3rd June no refunds were in my bank account. I was contacting Royal Fortune almost daily from 3rd June to 13th September so over 3 months and not once did they respond to be which is unbelievable - no reputable business would behave like this.
On 16th September Gabriel had the sheer audacity to call me a liar and said I had received the funds back via chargebacks. This was utterly untrue. The only funds I have ever had back total £435.61 which had been sent to a company named 22 Management who accepted they were miscoded and responsibly refunded me. Confirmed by bank Fraud Dept and by emails of my bank statements I have sent to Gabriel and which were copied to Casinoguru Community that I have only ever received £435.61. I contacted 22 Management at the beginning of July and they refunded me towards the end of July. I reasonably waited for the whole of June with no promised refunds arriving from Royal Fortune and no responses to my emails before starting my own recovery action as this was not acceptable.
I have deposited over £4,000 in this scam casino so if 50% of my deposits are to be refunded I am still owed over £1,500 by Royal Fortune.
As expected they are still ignoring my messages even though I have persevered in trying to resolve the matter amicably. Limited response I have received is aggressive, accusing me of being a scammer etc etc even though I have sent them a lot of evidence to confirm otherwise. Pretty offensive really considering they are breaching gambling and financial regulations to prey on vulnerable UK players and deliberately miscoding the transactions to override bank gambling blocks.
I am now left in the position where I will need to take legal action if this is not resolved as a lawyer has clearly advised an email is considered as a written contract in law. I don’t want to do this, the whole matter has caused me considerable and unnecessary stress over the past few months and I think the attitude of Royal Fortune towards me speaks volumes about the manner in which this business is operating and they would have very limited if any defence if it progresses to court particularly with various recent online articles regarding offshore illegal casinos aggressively targeting Gamstop registered vulnerable UK players including a report by Betting and Gaming Council just last week.
Please let me know if you require additional information.