あなたの質問に答えると、はい、私はプレイスルーを完了しました。私はそれを完了するために Sweet 16 Blast をプレイしました。それは 1000 ドルのプレイスルーでした。
プレイスルーを完了した後でもゲームが制限されるのはなぜですか? どの時点でお金があなたのものになり、好きなようにプレイできるようになりますか? つまり、トーナメントで優勝したのですが、彼らはまだ最大キャッシュアウトを許可していますが、それは彼らが私のお金をすべて奪った後でのみ知らされました。では、引き出し可能な金額に制限があるのに、好きなゲームやプレイしたいゲームをプレイすることに何の問題があるのでしょうか?
Hello Tomas and thank you for taking my case.
To answer your questions yes i have completed the playthrough i played sweet 16 blast to complete it and it was a playthrough of 1000 dollars.
The first explanation that was given was they started to say that i played the tournament itself with gunds from a coupon. (Which was mot the truth). I sent in screenshots showing that i deposited to enter the tournament.
Then the.next representative said that i played restricted games. ( which there was no list of restricted gmaes ever given).
After the.playthrough was completed i played regular vidioe poker tha game is aces and eights.
I already knew that roulette, and shooting games, sic bo and banana Jones were restricted but regular video poker was never shown to be restricted as far as i have been informed. In fact onenof the representatives told me before. I requested the withdrawal that he did not see anything that would have an issue upon the withdrawal request being made and approved.
And whats the deal with having games restricted even after you complete the playthrough? At what point does the money become yours to play with the way you want to? I mean i won the tournament they still have a maximum cashout allowed that if wasn't told about till after they took.all.my money anyway. So what is the big deal with playing a game that you like or want to.play if there is a limit to what you can withdrawal?
I really dont understand that its not likeni was going to be able to.run up the amount i won or anything.
And lastly. I didn't get any screenshots of the conversation because it was pleasant till they blindsided me and took everything.