ladydi53 さん、こんにちは。
ご覧のとおり、あなたはいくつかの電子メール アカウント (およびいくつかのカジノ アカウント) をお持ちですが、実際、システム内であなたが参照している実際のアカウントを見つけるために、周りを調べなければなりませんでした。このアカウントは、 でここにリストしたものとは別のメール アドレスで登録されており、これらのアカウントにはさまざまな電話番号があることに気付きました。
Greetings ladydi53,
You have a few email accounts (and a few casino accounts) as I see, in fact I had to look around to find the actual account you are referring to in the system. It is registered under a different email address than the one you list here on and I notice that there are varying phone numbers in these accounts as well.
Perhaps herein lies the issue in regards to communication, it is quite important that you keep your contact information up to date and valid and that you are communicating through the channels associated directly with the respective account.
As to the necessaries for wire transfer, we use 3rd party payment providers for all transactions to and from our players and need to follow their guidelines regarding how and where funds are transferred (required documents, allowed banks etc). It appears that your bank is valid for wire transfer however our payment providers require we have proof that the account is not brand new in the form of a bank statement on file so that is what has been requested.
Once these things are complete in the account then we can move forward.
Best wishes,
Nick and Silver Oak