- 出金の返金やアカウントの閉鎖に関してカジノからメールを受け取りましたか? もしそうなら、そのメッセージの内容を共有していただけますか?
- これまでに資金の引き出しを試みたことがありますか、それともこれが初めての引き出しリクエストですか?
- 出金リクエストの前または後に確認書類の提出を求められましたか? もし求められた場合、どのような書類が求められ、提出しましたか?
- ライブチャット以外のチャネル(電子メールなど)を通じてカジノに連絡したことがありますか?もしそうなら、どのような返答がありましたか?
- アカウントにはまだアクセスできますか、それとも完全に制限されていますか?
これらの詳細をご提供いただくことで、調査と解決に向けた取り組みに役立てていただけます。メールやスクリーンショットなど、カジノとの関連のあるやり取りがある場合は、お気軽に転送してください。 。
Dear Neo_23,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint.
I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties you’re facing with your withdrawal and account closure. In order to better understand your case and proceed with our investigation, could you please provide the following details?
- Did you receive any emails from the casino regarding the withdrawal being returned or the account closure? If so, could you share the content of those messages?
- Have you attempted to withdraw funds before, or was this your first withdrawal request?
- Were you asked to provide any verification documents before or after the withdrawal request? If so, what documents did they request, and did you submit them?
- Have you contacted the casino through any other channels (such as email) besides live chat? If so, what responses did you receive?
- Do you still have access to your account, or has it been completely restricted?
Your cooperation in providing these details will help us investigate and work towards a resolution. If you have any relevant communication with the casino, such as emails or screenshots, please feel free to forward them to
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,