Shorty0321 さん、こんにちは。
カジノが受け取った証拠によると、ボーナス NORULES275 を引き換えるために 31 ドルのデポジットが行われました。次に、110 ドルの出金をリクエストしましたが、ボーナスは現金不可 (出金時に残高から差し引かれる) であるため、この金額を出金する資格はありません。
Hello again Shorty0321,
According to the evidence received by the casino, you have made a deposit of $31 in order to redeem the bonus NORULES275. You have then requested a withdrawal of $110, but as the bonus is non-cashable (deducted from the balance at the time of withdrawal) you would not be eligible to withdraw this amount.
The casino has decided that it does not wish to continue offering its services to you which is, I am afraid, at the discretion of the casino as long as they are not withholding funds that should be paid to you. The casino has stated that they will refund your deposit, so I think this may be the fairest solution in this case. Can you please let me know if you find this acceptable?
Kind regards,