2024年2月17日の正午に出金リクエスト(1000ユーロと400ユーロ)を提出しましたが、最初に参加したとき、出金には最大24時間かかると言われていたにもかかわらず、今日までカジノから何も連絡がありませんでした。私はこのカジノに参加して以来一度も勝ったことがなく、最初の 15 回の入金を失ったため、まだこのカジノから出金したことがありません。
「あなたのゲーム セッションは、確認のためゲーム プロバイダーに送信されました。あなたのゲーム セッションと賭けに関してゲーム プロバイダーからの応答を受け取り次第、すぐに電子メールで通知します。
Casino Guru で苦情を申し立てるとカジノに返答した後、次のような返答を受け取りました。
「心配しないでください。これは標準的な手順です。現時点では、ゲーム セッションのチェックは完了していません。プロバイダーからの応答を受け取り次第、電子メールで通知されます。」
I submitted my withdrawal requests (€1000 & €400) midday on the 17th of Feb 2024 and heard nothing from the casino until today even though when I initially joined I was told withdrawals can take up to 24hrs. I have never withdrawn from this casino yet as, since I joined, I had never won anything and lost my first 15 deposits.
My account is fully verified including my deposit and withdrawal method.
Today I received an email that informed me that my withdrawal had been postponed because;
"Your game session has been sent to the game provider for check. As soon as we receive a response from the game provider regarding your game session and bets, we will immediately notify you by email.
The review of your withdrawal request has been postponed until the game provider provides an official response."
This seems to be a standard delaying tactic by this casino as I have read reviews and complaints of exactly the dame happening to others... and ofc there was never (and will never be) any gaming session review on every single occasion previously that i lost all my deposit money.
After responding to the casino that I would open a complaint on Casino Guru I received the following response;
"Please do not worry, this is standard procedure. Your game session check is not complete at this time. As soon as we receive a response from the provider, you will be notified by email."
I wonder if any proof can be provided that anything was actually sent to any gaming provider??