明確な見通しがないままこの件を追及して時間とエネルギーを無駄にしたくないというあなたの反応がないことが原因かもしれないことは理解していますが、私たちは他に何もできない状況に陥っています。この状況はあなたの行動の結果ではないことに留意することが重要であり、ゲームが正しく機能することを期待するのはまったく当然です。しかし、一方で、市場で最高のカジノで最高のゲームであっても、問題や不具合が発生することがあります。問題は「ボーナス フリー スピン」で発生したため、残念ながらこれらは実際のお金と見なすことはできません。そのため、カジノは、そのラウンドに賭けられた 0.20 EUR の実際の資金のみを払い戻すことができました。ユーザー エクスペリエンスの観点から、これは理想的とは程遠いことは十分に理解しています。しかし、説明されたように、予期しないシステム エラーまたは不具合により、ラウンドは適切に終了せず、賞金が正当なものとして確認されませんでした。
お客様の苦情の結果がお客様の期待したものではなかったことは承知しておりますが、上記のすべての理由により、カジノ チームが講じた措置はカジノ チームの規則に従ったものであったため、この苦情は却下として終了する必要があります。
もちろん、あなたは私たちの結論に異議を唱える権利があり、あなたの立場が正当であると思うなら、カジノのライセンス当局に連絡を取ることができます。この行動をとった場合、当局の決定を私に知らせてください。 michal.k@casino.guru
Dear DimitrisC,
While I understand that your lack of response may stem from not being willing to waste your time and energy pursuing this case without a clear perspective of a positive outcome, we found ourselves in a position where there is nothing else that can be done. It is important to note that the situation is not a result of your actions, and it is entirely reasonable for you to expect the games to function correctly.; however, on the other hand, even the best games in the best casinos on the market can occasionally experience issues or glitches. As the issue arose in the "bonus free spins," these, unfortunately, cannot be considered as real money, thus the casino could refund only the real funds of 0.20 EUR, which was the bet placed for that round. I fully understand that from a user experience point of view, this is far from ideal; however, as was explained, due to some unexpected system error or glitch, the round was not properly concluded, thus the winnings were not confirmed as legitimate.
Regrettably, the casino is unable to credit any winnings that are not confirmed by the game provider, making the refund for the bet the only viable course of action available to them. Although I attempted to propose that the casino, in a spirit of goodwill, consider awarding you these winnings despite their unverified status. Regrettably, we could not reach an agreement on this matter. There were apprehensions that such a decision might establish a precedent that could be detrimental to them in the future if they were to deviate from their established rules. I had to acknowledge this concern from a strictly technical perspective.
I understand the outcome of your complaint was not what you expected, but for all the abovementioned reasons the actions taken by the casino team were according to their rules thus we have to close this complaint as rejected.
You are of course entitled to disagree with our conclusion and may reach out to the casino's licensing authority if you believe you are justified in your stance. Please inform me of the authority's decision should you pursue this course of action at michal.k@casino.guru
I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Should you encounter any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please feel free to reach out to us, and we will try our best to help.
Best regards,
Casino Guru