こんにちは。私の問題は Spinsy Casino と、私の賞金の処理が遅いこと、そして私のアカウントへの賞金の出金に不当に長い時間がかかることです。
背景: Spinsy でブラックジャックをプレイして 70,000 ユーロを獲得しました。出金を早めるようリクエストし、ほぼ毎日処理しています。彼らは応答しますが、カジノの出金処理に遅れが生じていると常に言われます。
これが問題です。現在のペースでは、賞金の全額を引き出すのに 2 年近くも待たなければならないのは不合理だと思います。たとえば、引き出し金額を 1 回につき 1,500 ユーロに増やせないかと尋ねました。彼らによると、私は VIP1 レベルなのでそれは不可能だそうです。これは VIP5 でのみ可能で、そのためには億万長者になってカジノに莫大な金額を失わなければなりません。私はかつてレベル 3 で、1 日の売上高が約 20 万ユーロだったので、これは経験からわかっています。しかし、私はもうプレイしたくないので、賞金を引き出したいと考えています。
Spinsy Casino はこれに気付き、意図的に処理速度を落とし、引き出しを難しくして、処理を遅くし、VIP3 から VIP1 (最低レベル) に引き下げました。
私の質問は、現在のペースで資金が完全に引き出されるまでほぼ 2 年も待つのは合理的ではないため、賞金の引き出しを早める手助けをしていただけるかどうかということです。
Spinsy の利用規約には、3 日ごとに引き出しを処理する権利があると記載されていますが、アカウントに多額のお金があり、それを引き出したいのですが、現在のペースでは引き出し時間が 2 年に近づいているため、ここで理解を求めています。
また、アカウントに関連する書類が必要かどうかも何度か尋ねました。提供してほしいかどうか何度も尋ねたにもかかわらず、まだ KYC 情報を要求されていません。
Hello, my issue concerns Spinsy Casino and their slow processing of my winnings, as well as the unreasonably long time I have to wait for the withdrawal of my winnings to my account.
Background: I won €70,000 playing blackjack at Spinsy. I have been requesting to expedite the withdrawals and process them almost daily. They do respond, but always say that the casino is experiencing delays in processing withdrawals.
They process withdrawal requests every third business day (Mon-Fri) and only allow withdrawals of €500 at a time. This means that I would have to wait a very long time to get my winnings to my account. At this pace, it will take almost two years. I believe this is an unreasonable amount of time, and I have asked them to increase the withdrawal limits, which are currently €500/day and €7,000/month. However, with their current withdrawal processing pace, I can only withdraw around €2,500-3,000 per month.
This is the problem. I believe it is unreasonable for me to have to wait nearly two years for my winnings to be fully withdrawn at the current pace. I have asked if they could increase the withdrawal amounts, for example, to €1,500 per withdrawal. According to them, this is not possible because I am at VIP1 level. This would only be possible at VIP5, which would require being a millionaire and losing enormous sums of money to the casino. I know this from experience, as I was once at level 3 and had a daily turnover of about €200,000. However, I no longer wish to play, but to withdraw my winnings.
Spinsy Casino has noticed this and has deliberately slowed down and made my withdrawals more difficult, processing them slowly and even lowering me from VIP3 to VIP1 (the lowest possible level).
My question is whether you have the possibility to help me speed up the withdrawal of my winnings, as it is not reasonable to wait almost two years for my funds to be fully withdrawn at the current pace.
Spinsy's terms and conditions state that they have the right to process withdrawals every third day, but I am asking for some understanding here because I have a large sum of money in my account, and I would like to withdraw it, but the withdrawal time is approaching two years at the current pace.
I have also asked several times if they need any documents related to my account. They have not requested KYC information from me yet, even though I have asked multiple times if they would like me to provide it.
I would appreciate your response.