The player from Italy had experienced delays in the withdrawal of his winnings from Sportaza Casino. His account had not been verified and he had deposited a total of 175 euros in three separate transactions. He had not used any bonuses for his gameplay. The player had been in regular contact with the casino, who had initially informed him that his withdrawal methods were incorrect. After resetting the waiting count time of 3-5 days, the casino had assured him that the withdrawal was sent to their financial department. We had advised the player to wait for the recommended 14 days for his withdrawal to be processed. The player later confirmed that his withdrawal had been successfully received, and his bank also refunded him an additional 25 euros due to discrepancies with the OTP from his text message. We had then marked the complaint as resolved.
I have been requesting a refund of my winnings for several days now, deductions from my bank account have been carried out but the credit is slow to be issued and they keep coming up with various excuses for the withdrawal, sometimes even cancelling it themselves.
sono giorni che chiedo il rimborso delle vincite, gli addebiti sul mio conto corrente sono stati eseguiti ma l'accredito tarda ad essere emesso e accampano scuse varie per il prelievo alcune volte annullato da loro
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Sportaza Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise if your account is already verified and if yes, since when exactly? Did you accumulate your winnings with real money or did you use a bonus? When was the last time you spoke to the casino and what was it about?
Please note that we recommend to wait at least 14 days for your withdrawal to be processed specially if it’s your first ever request
Thank you so much for submitting your complaint and I am truly sorry to hear about your problem with Sportaza Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more questions before we move forward.
Could you tell me if your account is already verified and, if so, since when exactly?
Answer: it was not verified and KYC was not requested because I only paid 175 euros in tranches of 25, 50 and 100 euros (I attach image no. 3)
Did you accumulate your winnings with real money or did you use a bonus?
Answer: I did not use any bonus, the first time with a deposit of 25 euros, the second time I removed it because it materially prevented me in the casino at the online black jack tables from making bets higher than the minimum and much less double, on the third credit of I played 100 euros more than 4 times to make sure I could withdraw them without problems. (I attach image)
When was the last time you spoke to the casino and what was it about?
Answer: I contacted every day, their answers were the same and then they informed me that the withdrawal methods were incorrect but I entered every single data useful for the withdrawal by bank transfer of which I am the owner like the card used, the last time I they reported waiting after having reset the waiting count time of 3 - 5, that the withdrawal was perfectly sent to their phantom financial department.
Please note that we recommend that you wait at least 14 days for your withdrawal to process, especially if it is your first ever request
Waiting for your reply.
PS: For better information I used a mastercard debit card with 3d secure system which requires the double entry of two parameters, a 6-digit OTP and a 6-digit personal pin. Having said that I paid an amount of 25 euros, 50 and 100 euros, to play I used real money and never bonuses, as I noticed while I was playing for the second time, that is, the 50 euros came out a limit which prevented me on black jack and others games to place bets exceeding 5 euros in bets and in this regard I eliminated the bonus, without using it, while for the first and third time it was not used. My account has not been verified and no email requesting it has been received, because I believe I have not exceeded any threshold having only credited 175 euros, the winnings were accumulated with the third payment tranche, i.e. that of 100 euros having played the sum more than 4 times or 416 euros on blackjack. I later realized that the charges were made to strange merchants other than Sportanza, novavogue, leading me to think that the site was fake and to arrange for the withdrawal of the sums won, in particular shops in the United Kingdom that were closed or non-existent. I have written systematically every day since I noticed this anomaly, I have all the transcripts, in particular they suggested that I redo the procedure, because the withdrawal forms they initially said were incorrect, simultaneously eliminating the 3 - 5 days of waiting, but I entered every useful IBAN and SHIFT data of the credit institution. The sums paid by me in three payments, that of 25 euros, is on: Date 21/03/24 Time 09.24 Loc.swindon Merchant: Officehut Div.orig -25.00 Com. E. 0.00 Card number: 98451167 while the code OTP was directed to another merchant different from the one received via text message, but the credit was contextual; subsequent payments Date 21/03/24 Time 1.11pm Loc.nicosia Merchant: Sportaza Div.orig -100.00 Com. E. 0.00 Card no.: 98451167 Date 21/03/24 Time 09.40 Loc.nicosia Merchant: Sportaza Imp .in Div.orig -50.00 Com. E. 0.00 Card number: 98451167, the accreditations are sent to Sportaza. I haven't played anymore because I don't think I'll be able to collect any winnings and they induce me to play them in order to lose them.
Ciao John117master,
Grazie mille per aver inviato il tuo reclamo e sono davvero dispiaciuto per il tuo problema con Sportaza Casino. Per favore permettetemi di farvi qualche altra domanda prima di andare avanti.
Potresti indicarmi se il tuo account è già verificato e, se sì, da quando esattamente?
Risposta: non è stato verificato e tantomeno il KYC non è stato richiesto perche ho versato solo 175 euro in trance di 25, 50 e 100 euro (allego immagine nr. 3)
Hai accumulato le tue vincite con soldi veri o hai utilizzato un bonus?
Risposta: non ho utilizzato alcun bonus, la prima volta con un versamento di 25 euro, la seconda volta lo ho rimosso perche mi impediva materialemte sul casino nei tavoli di black jack online di fare scommesse superiori al minimo e tantomeno raddoppi, al terzo accredito di 100 euro li ho giocati per oltre 4 volte per essere sicuro di poterli prelevare senza problemi. (allego immagine)
Quando è stata l'ultima volta che hai parlato con il casinò e di cosa si trattava?
Risposta: ho contattato ogni giorno, le loro risposte erano uguali e poi mi informavano che le modalita di prelievo erano scorrette ma io ho inserito ogni singolo dato utile al prelievo con bonifico bancario di cui sono titolare come la carta usata, l'ultima volta mi riferivano di aspettare dopo aver azzerato il count time di attesa dei 3 - 5, che il prelievo era perfettamente inviato al loro fantomatico dipartimento finanziario.
Tieni presente che ti consigliamo di attendere almeno 14 giorni affinché il tuo prelievo venga elaborato, soprattutto se si tratta della tua prima richiesta in assoluto
In attesa della vostra risposta.
PS: Per una migliore informazione ho usato una carta di debito mastercard con sistema 3d secure che necessita il doppio inserimento di due parametri un otp di 6 cifre e un pin personale di 6 cifre. Detto questo ho versato un importo di 25 euro 50 e 100 euro, per giocare ho utilizzando soldi veri e mai bonus, in quanto ho notato mentre giocavo per la seconda volta, ovvero i 50 euro usciva un limite che mi impedivano sul black jack e altri giochi di effettuare scommesse superiori ai 5 euro di scommessa e a tal proposito ho eliminato il bouns, senza usarlo, mentre per la prima e terza volta non usato. Il mio account non è stato verificato e tantomeno non è pervenuta alcuna email che lo richiedesse, perche credo di non aver superato alcuna soglia avendo solo accreditato 175 euro, le vincite sono state accumulate con la terza trance di versamento, ovvero quella di 100 euro avendo giocato la somma per oltre 4 volte ovvero 416 euro sul blackjack. Successivamente mi sono reso conto che gli addebiti avvenivano su strani esarcenti diversi da Sportanza, novavogue inducendomi a pensare che il sito fosse farlocco e provvedere al ritiro delle somme vinte, in particolare negozi del Regno Unito chiusi o inesistenti. Ho scritto sistematicamente ogni giorno da quando ho notato questa anomalia, ho tutte le trascrizioni, in particolare mi proponevano di rifare la procedura, perchè le forme di prelievo dapprima a loro dire erano non corrette, azzerandomi contestualmente i 3 - 5 giorni di attesa, ma io ho inserito ogni dato utile IBAN e SHIFT dell'istituto di credito. Le somme da me versate su tre versamenti quella di 25 euro risulta su: Data 21/03/24 Ora 09.24 Loc.swindon Esercente : Officehut Div.orig -25.00 Com. E. 0.00 N.carta: 98451167 mentre il codice OTP era diretto su un altro esercente diverso da quello pervenuto con sms, ma l'accredito è stato contestuale; i successivi versamenti Data 21/03/24 Ora 13.11 Loc.nicosia Esercente : Sportaza Div.orig -100.00 Com. E. 0.00 N.carta: 98451167 Data 21/03/24 Ora 09.40 Loc.nicosia Esercente : Sportaza Div.orig -50.00 Com. E. 0.00 N.carta: 98451167, gli accrediti risultano inviati su Sportaza. Non ho più giocato perchè credo di non riuscire a riscuotere alcuna vincita e mi inducono a giocarli al fine di perderli.
As stated above, withdrawals may take up to 14 days. In case there were some issues with the payment methods and the payment got canceled, try to use a different method or requesting again with the same one. If it's still pending, I would simply recommend to wait out the advised 14 days.
The debits occurred on the account on March 25, 2024 there were no problems from my credit institution, today their email of actual withdrawal arrived and at the same time the payment arrived
Gli addebiti sono avvenuti sul conto il 25 marzo 2024 non ci sono stati problemi da parte del mio istituto di credito, oggi è pervenuta la loro mail di effettivo prelievo e contestualmente è arrivato il pagamento
Yes, we can close the case and the bank also refunded me 25 euros because the OTP that arrived via text message had discrepancies with the operation charged.
si possiamo chiudere il caso e la banca mi ha anche rimborsato 25 euro perche l'otp arrivato con sms aveva delle discrasie con l'operazione addebitata.
I'm glad to hear that your issue has been resolved successfully. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system.
Thank you for your cooperation, and please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.