ステークには 4 つのレベルの検証があります。 1 番目のレベルは、個人情報カルテに記入するだけです。 2番目のレベルは、自撮りの有無にかかわらず、パスポートの写真による本人確認です。 3つ目は住所証明です。 4つ目は富の証明
私は現在レベル 3 で止まっています。レベル 2 では、パスポートの写真を送信して再送信し、パスポートと一緒にセルフィーを撮り、眼鏡を外す必要があり、アカウント名と日付を記載した紙を追加する必要がありました。などですが、6 回ほどアップロードした後、最終的に検証されました。
レベル 3 の情報は次のとおりです。
「コンプライアンス チームは必要な文書を要求する権利を留保していることに注意してください。
銀行の紹介状 - 銀行の紹介状は、あなたと銀行の情報の一部を記載した単なる情報レターである必要があります。この手紙は英語で書かれ、次の要件を満たしている必要があります。
私が提供した文書を送信し、76 通の電子メール チェーンをテキスト ファイルに保存して、状況についてさらに詳しく知ることができます。どこへ、どのように案内すればよいか教えてください。
Hi there!
Thank you for taking the time to review my situation.
The account is still open and accessible. But no sports bets or casino bets can be made. Withdrawals are also unavailable.
The account has been like this since October 2022 but I have been actively trying to do the KYC since April 2023.
Stake has 4 levels of verification. 1st level is simply filling out their personal information chart. 2nd level is ID verification with pictures of passport with or without selfie. 3rd is the proof of address. 4th is proof of wealth
I am currently stuck on level 3. For level 2 I had to send and re-send pictures of my passport, take selfies with the passport, had to take off my glasses, I had to add pieces of paper listing my account name and date etc. But I finally had it verified after about 6 different uploads.
Here is the level 3 information:
"Please note that the compliance team reserves the rights to request any document they might need.
You can use one of the following documents to verify your address:
Utility bill ( electricity, water, gas or rent bill )
Bank or credit card statement (in some cases bank statement cannot be used)
Council tax, municipality bill or government tax letter
An official letter from your employer or educational institution confirming your address stamped and signed
Tenancy agreement
Bank reference letter - A bank reference letter should be just an informative letter with some of your and bank information. This letter should be in English and must meet the following requirements:
Shows full contact of bank
Shows your full name and address
Shows date of account issuing and type of account
Shows date of issuing of the letter"
What I was able to provide from that list was:
-Tenancy letter (It was actually notarized) to prove that I am renting the house where I live in
-Bank reference letter where the bank confirms my address and that I have an active account with them
What I was able to provide that is not on the list of official:
-Cable bill
-Phone bill
-An energy bill that is named to the owner of the house I am renting (this is somewhat typical in CR and other countries to have the utilities to be billed to the actual owner and not the renter). A copy of the payment for that bill was also provided, even a scanned ID of the owner.
As you can see the site does state they have the right to ask whatever document they may need. I understand the importance of KYC with all the underage gambling going on but I feel as though I have done enough to verify my identity in this case. I just want to go back to gambling on their site and have access to my funds.
I can send over the documents I have provided and also put the 76 email chain in a text file to give you an even better insight on the situation. Just let me know where/how to direct them to you.
Thanks for taking the time