elainedrabble956 様
KYC は基本的かつ不可欠なプロセスであり、カジノが正当な所有者に資金が送金されることを保証するものであることをご理解ください。すべてのプレイヤーに物理的に会い、身分証明書と書類を確認する余裕はないため、ギャンブル施設が確認手続きを完了できる唯一の方法です。本格的な認可を受けたカジノは KYC を軽視するものではなく、この徹底したプロセスを完了するには数営業日かかる場合があります。
この問題をできるだけ早く解決できるようお手伝いできることを願っております。 (前もって)ご返信に感謝いたします。
この時期は苦情が急増するため、弊社からの回答をお待ちいただく間、しばらくお待ちいただきますようお願いいたします。当社は、各苦情を提出後 48 時間以内に公開することを目指していますが、その後のコメントへの返信には最大 7 日間の猶予を設けます。また、現在 800 件を超える苦情を管理しているため、苦情が解決者に割り当てられるまでに少し時間がかかる場合があることにご注意ください。
Dear elainedrabble956,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a fundamental and essential process, during which the casino ensures the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of physically seeing all the players and checking their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments can complete the verification procedures. None of the serious and licensed casinos take KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
Unfortunately, the information in the photograph you sent us is indeed unreadable. Would it be possible to take a picture in a room with a better, maybe more natural light? Could the resolution of the photograph be adjusted? Please understand that the text should be clear and legible, so the casino can check your data.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Due to the increased volume of complaints during this time of year, we kindly request your patience while awaiting our responses. We aim to publish each complaint within 48 hours of submission but reserve up to 7 days to reply to any subsequent comments. Additionally, please be aware that it might take a bit longer for your complaint to be assigned to a resolver, as we are currently managing over 800 complaints.
Your understanding is greatly appreciated. Wishing you a delightful holiday season, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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