必要な情報をすべて収集した後、この苦情は不当であるとしてクローズします。あなたは明らかに制限国から登録しましたが、実際の場所を隠すツール/アプリを使用してカジノのシステム設定と制限を回避し、カジノに登録できました。これはカジノの利用規約の重大な違反を意味します。さらに、あなた自身が登録時に PL にいなかったことを確認しました。
苦情解決に満足できない場合は、カジノを規制しているギャンブル当局に相談することをお勧めします。ご質問がある場合は、お気軽にご連絡ください。 branislav.b@casino.guru 。
情報をご提供いただき、ご協力いただいたVulkan Vegasカジノチームの皆様、誠にありがとうございました!
Dear Baridfang,
The casino representative was able to fully support his claims and the casino's decision with relevant evidence.
After gathering all the necessary information, we are closing this complaint as unjustified. You obviously registered from a restricted country but used a tool/app to hide your actual location to bypass the casino's system settings and restrictions to be able to sign up at the casino, which means a serious breach of the casino's Terms and Conditions. Moreover, you confirmed you were not in PL at the time of registration yourself.
If you were able to pass some basic verification or withdraw some winnings from the casino, you can be only glad that it was possible and that the casino did not review your account completely earlier.
The casino acted in accordance with its terms and conditions.
I am sorry we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
If you are not satisfied with the complaint solution, I recommend you consult the gambling authority that the casino is regulated by. In case of any questions, feel free to write to me at branislav.b@casino.guru.
Thank you very much, Vulkan Vegas Casino Team, for providing information and for your cooperation!
Best regards,
Branislav, Casino.Guru