丁寧に、忍耐強く自分の問題をうまく説明していたにもかかわらず、wazamba だけでなく、姉妹サイトのネットワーク全体でライブ チャットからブロックされました。
「ボーナス クラブ」ライブ クレーン ゲームに関する問題が絶えないことは秘密ではありませんが、しばらくの間、特定のビデオ フィードが著しく遅延し、ゲームを開始するまでその原因がわからないことがよくあります。ほとんどの場合、この問題は再試行によって解決されますが、サポートに 2 回または 3 回連絡して問題を説明し、スクリーンショットや録画を提供した後で解決されることがよくあります。
状況を説明するために、問題のボーナス ゲームのスクリーンショットをいくつか投稿します。最初の 2 枚では、コントロールがアクティブになっているのがわかりますが、ライブ マシンのビデオ フィードでは、タイマー、私のアバター、またはゲームが始まったことを示す兆候は表示されません。最後から 2 番目のスクリーンショットでは、「collecting」という文字が表示され、時間が切れてクローがアクティブになっていることがわかります。最後のスクリーンショットでは、ゲームが終了し、コントロールはアクティブではなくなりましたが、ビデオ フィードでは、タイマーが残り 18 秒で私のターンが始まったばかりであることが示されています。
デフォルトの応答は、毎回、問題を拒否することです。何らかの解決策を得るには、チャットを開いて、2、3 回対応して長引くプロセスを待つしかありません。通常、ゲームの試行が再発行されます。残念ながら、これらの人々とやり取りするときには、他の時と何ら変わらない手順を踏んでいましたが、今では、このネットワークを独占的に毎日使用しているにもかかわらず、ネットワークのサイトのいずれのサポートにもアクセスできません。

Been blocked from live chat not only from wazamba but across the entire network of sister sites despite being polite and articulating my issue well and with patience.
The endless issues with the "bonus crab" live claw game aren't a secret but for a while now certain video feeds lag severely and there is often no way to tell until you begin a game. Most of the time this issue gets resolved with the reissue of an attempt, more often than not after contacting support 2 or 3 times explaining the issue and providing screenshots and/recordings.
However, unlike most of the instances where they deny an issue and insist with "the game played fine, you just lost" as a soundbite yet yeild to persistence obviously knowing you are telling the truth. Sometimes, regardless of how blatantly obvious the evidence is they just refuse to accept that the game didn't function as intended and deny granting you another attempt. Annoying, rude and unprofessional but typical of the industry but covered by the T&Cs in the ways of being able to amend or deny any promotion ect ect.
But to completely block a daily deposited and gamer from live support over the entire network without warning and having no heated words been exchanged is a step too far. I always mention to the support staff that I mean no disrespect and I appreciate their help before proceeding with any complaints and I maintain decorum I'm every exchange so I believe this is entirely unwarranted.
Just for context sake I'll post a few screenshots of the bonus game in question. The 1st 2 you can see the controls are active but in the video feed of the live machine you can't see the timer, my avatar or any sign that the game has begun. In the 2nd last screenshot you can see the words "collecting" indicating my time is up and the claw is being activated. The last one shows the game over, controls no longer active yet the video feed is showing my turn as having just began with the timer being at 18 sec remaining.
There is no way this can be seen as being played without issue and it's insulting yo be told as much, to basically be called a liar. As rude as it is, it would be much better if they were honest and just said they didn't want to issue you with another attempt. I would atheist know that further attempts to convince them would be futile. And I say "convince" for lack of a better word, they are fully aware of the issue.
The default response is deny issue, every single time. The way to get any kind of resolution is by opening and waiting through the drawn out process of dealing with chat 2 or 3 times and they typically reissue the game attempt. I was going through the motions as you unfortunately have to do when dealing with these people, no different from any other time and now I can't access any support on amy of the networks sites even though I use this network exclusively and daily.
