アカウントの閉鎖と獲得した賞金の不当な没収に関して、正式な苦情を申し立てたいと思います。Wintopia Casino のウェルカム ボーナスでプレイし、€9,100.00 を獲得しました。€9,100.00 を獲得し、その後 €1,500.00 が支払われましたが、その後、私のアカウントは「組織的なボーナスの乱用」を理由に閉鎖されました。また、条項 13: 共謀、不正行為、詐欺、犯罪行為に違反したとも言われました。
Wintopia カジノでプレイしたのは今回が初めてで、不正行為や詐欺行為、あるいはそのような処罰に値するその他の行為の履歴はありません。アカウントが閉鎖された理由はわかりませんが、この決定は私がかなりの金額を獲得したという理由だけでなされたと強く信じています。
I would like to launch a formal complaint regarding my account closure and the wrongful confiscation of my earned winnings. I played with the Welcome Bonus at Wintopia Casino and won €9,100.00. I earned €9,100.00 and was subsequently paid €1,500.00, which was then followed by my account getting closed for "systematic bonus abuse." I was also told that I breached Clause 13: Collusion, Cheating, Fraud, and Criminal Activity.
This was the first time I was playing at Wintopia casino and have no history of abusive, fraudulent or any other behaviour that would warrant such punishment. I have no idea why my account has been closed, but I strongly believe that this decision was made purely on the basis that I had won a considerable amount of money.
I played slots and had issues with their site, as it was crashing and just played and searched random slots until I found something I could play.
I would like to ask this case to be checked and that my withheld winnings be justified. Should this matter remain unresolved, I will have no option but to report this to relevant authorities or seek legal aid. I refuse to let this case go unresolved, and trust that fairness will be exercised within the gaming industry.
Kindly advise me on your decision at the earliest.